Image of Y4 Library Visit
3 July 2018

Y4 Library Visit

Year 4 enjoyed their library visit today!


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Image of Year 2 African Drums
2 July 2018

Year 2 African Drums

Year 2 have been learning about the Djembe drum. We talked about the materials used to make the drum and listened to master djemebe drummers before creating our own rhythms. 

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Image of Year 2 Bowls
2 July 2018

Year 2 Bowls

Year 2 enjoyed taking part in a Bowls Tournament today in Egremont. They learned some new skills and had a wonderful time. 

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Image of Outdoor learning
2 July 2018

Outdoor learning

Reception took advantage of the beautiful weather and shade. They took their learning outdoors and had lots of fun.

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Image of Art and craft club
2 July 2018

Art and craft club

This week the children made fish wands in art and craft club.

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Image of Reading Challenge
29 June 2018

Reading Challenge

Some of our Year 2 have taken part in the 'Dive into Books Reading Challenge'. We are very proud of them all.

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Image of Key Stage 1 Cross Country
29 June 2018

Key Stage 1 Cross Country

Our Year 2 children attended a Cross Country Festival at Whitehaven earlier this week. They all worked hard together, showing a great team spirit.

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Image of IDL
29 June 2018


Well done to Alfie for completing another IDL unit. Keep up the hard work!

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Image of Nursery exploring sea creatures
29 June 2018

Nursery exploring sea creatures

In Nursery we have been learning about sea creatures that go on a journey in the water. In our messy tray the children had the opportunity to look at different types of fish and prawns. We looked at their eyes, fins and even had a feel of their teeth. The children really enjoyed exploring with all…

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Image of Year 2 Cross Country
27 June 2018

Year 2 Cross Country

A huge well done to Year 2 who ran their hearts out this afternoon at the Cross Country Tournament in the glorious sunshine. They showed a true determination to win and a wonderfully supportive team spirit. 


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Image of Storytime in the Sunshine
26 June 2018

Storytime in the Sunshine

Year 2 enjoyed listening to ‘The Butterfly Lion’ outside in the Story Area underneath the shade of the tree. 


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Image of Stories in the Sunshine
26 June 2018

Stories in the Sunshine

Today we took advantage of the sunshine and had our class story in the lovely cool gazebo.  Our stories had an animal theme and taught us about how nice it is to make time for the people we love. 

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