Year 5 enjoyed improving ther cricket skills with Chad to help them. It was a lovely sunny day!
Chinese New Year workshop: Making concertina dragons
The dragon is a revered creature in Chinese culture with paper dragons being commonly seen at Chinese New Year celebrations all around the world. The children had lots of fun making their own concertina dragons.
Reading rewards
Well done to all the Reception children who earned a stripe on their reading rainbow by reading five times or more at home this week. Keep up the good work and let’s see who can fill their rainbow with stripes to win a prize at the end of term.
Story Map Editing
We have had a great time learning our story Billy’s Bucket. We have made changes to the maps and are now writing our own versions.
Floating and sinking experiment
We have had a great time trying our experiment into will it float?
We got lots of items and predicted if it would float. We tested our theory and recorded the results in our books.
Making Dragons
We have thoroughly enjoyed making dancing dragons as part of our Chinese New Year celebration day. We even had some time to make our dragons dance to some traditional Chinese music.
Chinese New Year Celebrations - Willow Pattern Plates
As part of Chinese New Year celebrations, every age group across the school worked together in a series of workshops to recreate the story of the Willow Pattern on their own plates. The design was very intricate but the results were really effective.
Year 2 Library Visit Spring Term
Year 2 enjoyed visiting Egremont Library this morning to return their previously borrowed books and find a different book to borrow. They also really enjoyed listening to a story about mischievous monsters in a zoo.
Year 3 Prayer & Liturgy
Today we had a wonderful ‘Prayer & Liturgy’ that was led by Lillia, Freya and Lacey. We have been learning about Jewish festivals and have focused on The Passover. They sympathetically planned around this independently and it was really engaging. Added to this we enjoyed listening to…
Y4 Volcanoes
As part of our topic on Volcanoes Emma made a volcano at home then brought all the ingredients into school to make it explode! She used washing up liquid, bicarbonate of soda, vinegar and red and yellow food colouring. We all waited in anticipation as as it ‘exploded’! Well done…
Nursery’s dress up day
Nursery had a dress up day where the children came to Nursery in their favourite dressing up outfit. They all looked super! We also had some of our afternoon children join us later in the day.
Senior Citizens Lunch
Senior Citizens from our Parish enjoyed their annual fish and chip lunch in school. Our year 6 children waited on and they were entertained by our KS2 choir singing a selection of hymns.