Image of Rain Dance
25 January 2019

Rain Dance

Year One have had a great time this week focussing on the story ‘Bring the Rain to Kapiti Plain’.  We looked at the weather in the story and decided we would help end the drought by making our own rain dance to the music.  Sorry for all the rain since- oops!!


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Image of Nursery’s shape pictures
25 January 2019

Nursery’s shape pictures

Nursery have been having fun this week with shapes. They made some super shape pictures to go into their Learning Journeys. 


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Image of Y5/6 Indoor Athletics
25 January 2019

Y5/6 Indoor Athletics

Y5/6 enjoyed taking part in Indoor Athletics today. They did a range of events including javelin, long jump, triple jump, vertical jump and chest push as well as a variety of running events! Well done for excellent team spirit!


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Image of Year 3 First Aid Show & Tell
24 January 2019

Year 3 First Aid Show & Tell

Year 3 enjoyed a fanstastic first aid demonstration from Sophia who has started a club run by St. John’s Ambulance in Whitehaven.  Sophia could explain what she was doing and we all loved listening to her. Well done.  

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Image of Year 3 Belize Photos
24 January 2019

Year 3 Belize Photos

Today we were so excited to look at some photographs of the RAF plane Josh travelled to Belize on.  We compared it to the planes that we might use to go on holidays; we thought about the simailarities and differences.  In Computing we carried on finishing our fact files in Microsoft Word.  A big…

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Image of Messy Maths
23 January 2019

Messy Maths

Some of the Reception children went outdoors for their Maths lesson. They practised their number recognition and counting skills by collecting a number of objects in a numbered plant pot. Great fun was had by everyone!


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Image of School Council meeting
22 January 2019

School Council meeting

Our School Council met to discuss how we can make our school healthier. After discussions in all the classes lots of great ideas were put forward. Some of these included creating a ‘Fruit Tuck Shop’ for the juniors to encourage us to eat more fruit, guest runners to motivate us with our Mile-a-Day…

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Image of Y4 Mini Water Cycles
22 January 2019

Y4 Mini Water Cycles

Y4 made mini water cycles to help them understand how ‘The Water Cycle’ works. They planted cress seeds in compost in a plastic cup with a small amount of water added then covered the cup with cling film. After a while,  the water from the compost evaporated into water vapour. This rose up and…

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Image of Y4 Squash
22 January 2019

Y4 Squash

Y4 enjoyed learning lots of new skills in their squash lesson at the Falcon Club. They learnt the importance of warming up, how to hold the racquet correctly, how to hit the ball and finished with some exercises to improve balance. 



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Image of Y5 Mass
22 January 2019

Y5 Mass

We were so proud of Year 5 today as they celebrated mass with reverence and respect. We learnt that it was St. Vincent’s Feast day today! Keelan, Emily Whelan and Isabella did a good job with their readings and everyone sang beautifully. Well done Year 5!

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Image of Year 1 Gymnastics
21 January 2019

Year 1 Gymnastics

Year 1 have had a great gymnastics session today learning about core strength and balancing.  We learned new balances and helped to support our partner when needed. 

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Image of More fun in Nursery!
18 January 2019

More fun in Nursery!

This week in Nursery we have had some more new Nursery children join us. We have been having lots of fun outside and inside. We even made some cakes and ate them! The children also took part in a Maths practical session about filling and pouring using water. The children really enjoyed this,…

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