Nursery’s naughty Elf
On his first day in Nursery, the Naughty Elf was up to no good. He had squirted tomato sauce all over the Paw Patrol dogs. What are we going to do with him?
Year 2 Mile a Day
Year 2 continue to keep active by enjoying some Autumn sunshine as they run their Mile a Day.
Year 2 Writers
Year 2 have been reading books written by Anthony Browne. After some role play activities, they predicted what they thought the children might find at the end of the tunnel. This morning they used their plans to write their own ending to the story.
WARNING!! An Elf is spotted in Nursery.......
Watch out Nursery!!!! Guess who’s going to be visiting our Nursery on Monday?????
Our visit to St Mary’s
Year 6 had a lovely visit to St Mary’s School where we joined in a mass celebrating the Year of the Eucharist.
We then joined their year 6 class for the day and participated in painting a monstrance, making an advent bauble and planning a prayer and liturgy. We are looking forward to them…
Reception went to church for a baptism. Father Groody led the children through the baptism service and explained what each part means.
Y5 become Times Tables Rock Stars
Year 5 enjoyed creating their avatars for times tables rockstars. The new package was an excellent way of learning our times tables and competing with others online.
Year 2 Science Investigation
Year 2 enjoyed being scientists. They were investigating different materials to find out if they are waterproof. Before they carried out the investigation, they planned what they were going to do and made predictions.
A Viking Adventure at Tullie House, Carlisle
We deepened our knowledge of the Vikings at Tullie House as we saw real Viking artefacts such as swords, brooches, beads and knives. We examined them to see what we can learn about them. Six Viking burial sites were found right here in Cumwhitton, Cumbria. The remains are on display in Tullie…
The Vikings at Tullie House
Year 5 had a fantastic day at Tullie House in Carlisle. We handled artefacts and learnt about where Viking remains had been found near us, at Cumwhitton. We studied a real Viking sword and several other clues about Viking society. Finally we took part in a series of different activities which…
PhunkyFit with Year 1 and 2
This week we made some savoury food using healthy ingredients. We made tomato bread tapas. It was delicious!
Y5 Adoration of the Holy Eucharist
We all took part in a moment of silent prayer to reflect on the body and blood of our Lord Jesus Christ. With reverence and respect we thanked God for giving up his son so that we could receive forgiveness for our wrong doings. We prayed for our friends, family and loved ones. We prayed for the…