Nursery’s pancakes
Nursery celebrated pancake day with some yummy pancakes. They could have chocolate, jam or lemon juice on them. What a surprise when they all chose chocolate or jam! Some children even came back for another one. Happy pancake day!
Year 2 Cartwheels
In gymnastics today, Year 2 were learning how to do cartwheels safely.
Working together to play games
In R.E. we have been thinking about things we do together at home and in school including how we support and encourage each other during these activities. Then we went outdoors to work together to play some ring games: The Farmer’s in his Den, Ring-a-Ring of Roses, Duck Duck Goose and Crossing the…
Y6 Play in a Day
The whole school were treated to a unique production of Shakespeare’s Macbeth by Y6 this afternoon. The children worked all day on creating their amazing performance. They had to memorise lines and showed huge confidence in standing up in front of an audience. What an incredibly talented group of…
Nursery having fun this week
Nursery have been having fun this week in our provision. They have been playing with the dolls house, sorting colour bears and also ‘fishing’ outside with the skipping ropes. We have also welcomed some new Nursery children too.
Y4 Spelling Game
Year 4 enjoyed playing a spelling game to practise spelling words that have the ‘s’ sound but are spelt with an ‘sc’. They took it in turns to choose one of the spelling words, write it on a whiteboard then rolled the die. If they could complete the ‘roll a word task’ with the word they had…
Extended Writing in Year 2
Year 2 have been learning how to write a biography. This morning they listened to Baroque music from the 1600s as they independently wrote a biography about Samuel Pepys.
Y4 Volcano Animations
Year 4 have been creating exploding Volcanoes on 2 animate. They had to create a series of slides progressively showing a volcano exploding. They were then able to play an animation of the volcano explosion!
Y4 Haiku’s
Year 4 have been writing Haiku’s about Volcanoes. They learnt that a Haiku is a form of Japanese poetry that uses very few words but tries to draw a picture in the mind. It has 3 lines, rarely rhymes and follows a pattern of 5 syllables in the first line, 7 in the second and 5 in the third. They…
Taller or shorter ??
Year one have taken advantage of the glorious weather and taken our maths lesson outside. We were drawing pictures that were taller or shorter and larger or smaller. We labelled the pictures and even drew around our friends to measure. We really enjoyed our outside lesson and hope this weather…
First gymnastics session
Reception took part in their first gymnastics session today. They learned how to perform some of the basic moves and shapes such as the star, pencil, pike, straddle and the forward roll.