Gymnastics Y2
Year 2 thoroughly enjoyed exploring different ways to move, balance and make shapes today in gymnastics.
Phunky Fit
We had a great time at Phunky Fit Club today with Harriet from Phunky Foods. We made ‘Broccoli and Pea Salad’ which involved chopping, weighing and measuring out the ingredients. Harriet taught us how to chop safely and we learnt which food groups all the ingredients belong in. We all tasted…
Budding gymnasts
Reception used the wall apparatus for the first time in gymnastics and thoroughly enjoyed the lesson. They used the equipment well to practise what they have learnt over the past few weeks. They performed pencil, star and the tuck positions whilst on the equipment.
Play Leaders are ready to go!
Year 5 enjoyed learning how to become play leaders. Now they are out and about at playtimes, helping everyone to make the most of play times and have fun.
Y6 Year of the Eucharist Collage
Y6 were joined today by children from St Mary’s Kells and St Joseph’s at Frizington to create a collage of flowers to mark The Year of the Eucharist. We enjoyed making new friends and ended the day with some fun in the hall with the parachutes.
Nursery’s hatching chicks
The Nursery children came into school this morning to the delight that during the night we had some chicks hatch. We now have three lovely fluffy chicks to look after in Nursery and hopefully more to hatch over the weekend. The other children in school and all the staff were really excited to meet…
Reading rewards
Well done to all the children who have achieved their reading rainbow stripe this week by reading five times or more at home. Only one week to go to find out who has won a prize!
Y4 hockey tournament
Year 4 enjoyed taking part in a hockey tournament at Whitehaven school. They won, drew and lost some games but all played really well and showed good sportsmanship. Both teams came in 3rd place out of 8 schools.
Nursery’s chicks
Nursery have had some new additions this week. Our own chick eggs!!! We have been patiently waiting and singing to them all week and today we have seen the first signs of life. Watch this space! By tomorrow we will hopefully have some new baby chicks to look after.
Library Visit
Year One have had a great time today visiting Egremont library. We shared a couple of books together then chose books we thought we may like to read ourselves to take home.
Signs of Spring
What a perfect way to celebrate the first day of Spring than to go for a walk in the school grounds to look for signs of new life and growth!
Y4/6 Tree planting
Y4 and some Y6 have had a wonderful time planting trees by the River Ehen. They learnt about the importance of trees in the environment and planted a grand total of 700! We also got to see the Cumbria Rivers Trust’s new van with Jensen’s design on it!