Y5 World Book day 2020
Y5 enjoyed creating a ‘Bedtime environment’ in order to relax and read their books. We all dressed in pyjamas, brought blankets and pillows in, had hot chocolate then snuggled down to enjoy reading. We also enjoyed reading stories to reception.
Y4 Library Visit March 2020
Year 4 are becoming experts at finding their way around their local library. This morning, we enjoyed looking at books written in different languages. How many books written in a different language can you find in your local library?
Visit to the local library
This afternoon Year 2 enjoyed a visit to Egremont library. They were very excited to explore some of the more challenging books for the first time and to share these with their peers and the adults. The visit concluded with a story session.
Y6 Play in a Day
Y6 were lucky to be joined by Lisa again this year to produce their own version of Shakespeare’s Macbeth. The whole school were treated to their performance which they practised, rehearsed and performed in just a few short hours. We have some stars in the making; what a fantastic…
Fun with our new resources!
We are so lucky to have completely new furniture in our classroom. We also have lots of new toys to help us with our learning. We are having lots of fun and enjoying ourselves! Thank you!
Y5 World Book day 2020
Y5 enjoyed creating a ‘Bedtime environment’ in order to relax and read their books. We all dressed in pyjamas, brought blankets and pillows in, had hot chocolate then snuggled down to enjoy reading. We also enjoyed reading stories to reception.
Year 3 have great fun during World Book Day
We loved being in our pyjamas all day today and shared books with Year 4, in the sunshine. We wrote book reviews about our favourite books, designed bookmarks, used the internet to research our favourite authors and listened to our class novel with hot chocolate, cream, marshmallows and biscuits.
Gymnastics Tournament 2020 Y4
Representatives from Y4 enjoyed competing in a gymnastics tournament. Fabulous effort all round. Well done!
World Book Day 2020 Y4
Year 4 came to school dressed in their pyjamas today. They brought in their favourite books, wrote a biography about their favourite author and spent some time enjoying sharing books with their friends in the sunshine.
Y2 World Book Day 2020
Today we celebrated World Book Day by coming to school dressed in our pyjamas. We brought in our favourite books and shared them with each other. Then we used our favourite books to create a tally chart and a pictogram in Maths so that we could interpret the results.
Y6 Aspiration Afternoon
Y6 spent the afternoon learning about future career choices and ways to work as a team at our Aspiration Event. They used Lego and were set a variety of challenges to help prepare them for scenarios when they’re older in the world of work.
Y1 Library Visit for World Book Day
Year 1 have enjoyed a fantastic trip to Egremont Library to celebrate World Book Day. We enjoyed sharing stories and choosing a book to take home. At the end of our session we shared a class story of ‘The Gruffalo’. We enjoyed exploring the story sack that contained all the characters from ‘The…