Image of Y5 British Science Week 2021
10 March 2021

Y5 British Science Week 2021

As part of their topic on forces Y5 carried out an investigation to see how difficult it was to pick up maltesers, jelly cubes and jelly cubes covered in oil with chop sticks. They realised that the maltesers and the oily jelly cubes were the most difficult as there was less friction between the…

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Image of Y5 British Science Week 2021
10 March 2021

Y5 British Science Week 2021

As part of their topic on forces Y5 carried out an investigation to see how difficult it was to pick up maltesers, jelly cubes and jelly cubes covered in oil with chop sticks. They realised that the maltesers and the oily jelly cubes were the most difficult as there was less friction between the…

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Image of Y6 Science Week Art on Darwin
10 March 2021

Y6 Science Week Art on Darwin

Year 6 have been working on their pencil control and shading skills in their art sketching work. They used the scientist Charles Darwin as inspiration to create portraits as he is our featured scientist during National Science Week. 

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Image of Y6 Science Week
10 March 2021

Y6 Science Week

As part of National Science week, Year 6 have been learning about inventors and innovators.  We had a great Science day making spaghetti skyscrapers and designing fabulous fliers. We learnt some really important lessons about the engineering of structures, how to make them strong and the…

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Image of Sharing Stories on World Book Day
8 March 2021

Sharing Stories on World Book Day

Our theme for this year’s World Book Day was Sharing Stories!  We dressed up or wore our pyjamas and shared stories with our Grown Ups and told stories which we recorded and sent via Class Dojo!  We love books and had a really exciting day, especially as we have learnt about the author Julia…

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Image of Pray, Stop, Go Jars Year 5
6 March 2021

Pray, Stop, Go Jars Year 5

During Lent every time year 5 pray, stop themselves doing something they know they shouldn’t or go out of their way to do something for others they are going to write it down and put it in their Lenten jars. At the end of Lent hopefully they will have a jar of messages to remind them of all the…

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Image of Year 5 World Book Day 2021
6 March 2021

Year 5 World Book Day 2021

In Year 5 we celebrated World Book day by showing our favourite book and explaining why we enjoyed it both in class and on zoom. We designed our own board games based around a book and had great fun playing them afterwards. We also got creative and designed characters from a book out of a potato.…

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Image of Y6 World Book Day
5 March 2021

Y6 World Book Day

Our Y6 children were asked to choose their favourite author and create a biography about their lives and achievements. 

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Image of World Book Day 2021 in Year 2
5 March 2021

World Book Day 2021 in Year 2

Year 2 had a great time celebrating World Book Day in school and from home. They shared books with each other, read in unusual places, recorded video book reviews and created book quizzes using Purple Mash.


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Image of Y1 World Book Day Reading Challenge
5 March 2021

Y1 World Book Day Reading Challenge

Year 1 celebrated World Book Day by taking part in a reading challenge.  The children were asked to read and share a story in different places around the home, garden or whilst out on a walk.   Well done everyone for finding such interesting places to enjoy a story. 


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Image of World Book Day in Nursery 2021
5 March 2021

World Book Day in Nursery 2021

We celebrated World Book Day in Nursery by wearing our pyjamas in school and at home, and sharing books. The children in Nursery listened to books read by Mrs Palmer and read their own books too. We even had some hot chocolate and biscuits. 

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Image of World Book Day in Y4
4 March 2021

World Book Day in Y4

Year 4 enjoyed immersing themselves in the wonderful world of books today. They watched and listened to well known authors in a live broadcast, listened to the very first World Book Day Rap and tried to spot all the books that were referred to, they enjoyed sharing a book with someone, they wrote…

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