Image of Y5 World Book day 2020
6 March 2020

Y5 World Book day 2020

Y5 enjoyed creating a ‘Bedtime environment’ in order to relax and read their books. We all dressed in pyjamas, brought blankets and pillows in, had hot chocolate then snuggled down to enjoy reading. We also enjoyed reading stories to reception.


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Image of Wasdale Mountain Rescue visit
12 February 2020

Wasdale Mountain Rescue visit

Wasdale Mountain Rescue team visited our school this morning to tell us all bout how they save people in trouble on mountains. They showed us all the equipment they used and amazed us with their stories of rescue operations. 

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Image of Y5 Bikeability
12 February 2020

Y5 Bikeability

Year 5 had a great week learning how to stay safe on the road on their bikes during Bikeability.

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Image of Moon buggies
12 February 2020

Moon buggies

As part of our topic on Earth and Space we designed and made our own Moon Buggies! We looked at features on real moon buggies and tried to include them in our own designs. As you can see we made some fantastic vehicles.

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Image of Moon buggies
12 February 2020

Moon buggies

As part of our topic on Earth and Space we designed and made our own Moon Buggies! We looked at features on real moon buggies and tried to include them in our own designs. As you can see we made some fantastic vehicles.

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Image of Y5 dance 21.1.20
21 January 2020

Y5 dance 21.1.20

Y5’s dance theme this half term is Vikings. This week they thought about how the sea might have moved as the Viking’s were crossing over to England. They brain stormed for words like rolling, swirling etc. then came up with movements to show this. We saw lots of skills they had learnt in…

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Image of Y5 Prayer &Liturgy
16 January 2020

Y5 Prayer &Liturgy

Our theme for Prayer and Liturgy this week was ‘Friendship’. Our leaders  chose a reading from John 15: 15 and made paper hearts to remind us to show love to one

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Image of Y5 Mountains
15 January 2020

Y5 Mountains


Y5 launched their ‘Mountains topic’ by making concept maps. They wrote what they already know about mountains then did some research and added facts.⛰

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Image of Y5 Viking Shields
22 November 2019

Y5 Viking Shields

Y5 have researched, designed and made Viking Shields.


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Image of Y5 anti-bullying day 2019
15 November 2019

Y5 anti-bullying day 2019

Y5 dressed up in blue to show they are against bullying. We had a fun afternoon playing games with our friends, decorating biscuits in blue and creating a graffiti wall with reminders of how to prevent bullying.

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Image of Y5 Sunflowers
6 November 2019

Y5 Sunflowers

Y5 have worked hard to create their own versions of Vincent Van Gogh’s Sunflowers. We have some budding young artists!

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Image of Y5 science
18 October 2019

Y5 science

Year 5 carried out an investigation to see if they could separate a mixture of sand, salt and water. They discovered that filtering the mixture separated the sand and evaporation separated the salt and water.


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