Year 5 Cricket Engagement Day
Year 5 enjoyed a cricket engagement day with Chad from Chance to Shine Cricket. They learnt the basic throwing and catching skills for cricket then had a great game of Quick Cricket.
The Year of St. Joseph Year 5
Year 5 have written prayers to St. Joseph to help us appreciate all our key workers. We will say each prayer daily during the Year of St. Joseph.
Year 5 Water Resistance
During their work on water resistance Year 5 were set the challenge of making the same piece of blu tac sink and float. They discovered that they had to increase the surface area of the blu tac in order to increase the upthrust of the water then it would float.
St.Patrick’s Day in Y5
Year 5’s class saint is St. Patrick so we had a wonderful day on 17th March learning all about him. Mrs. Smith told us all a about the celebrations that occur in Ireland on St. Patrick’s day and we were surprised to hear that it is a national holiday on that day! We were also treated to some Irish…
Y5 British Science Week 2021
As part of their topic on forces Y5 carried out an investigation to see how difficult it was to pick up maltesers, jelly cubes and jelly cubes covered in oil with chop sticks. They realised that the maltesers and the oily jelly cubes were the most difficult as there was less friction between the…
Y5 British Science Week 2021
As part of their topic on forces Y5 carried out an investigation to see how difficult it was to pick up maltesers, jelly cubes and jelly cubes covered in oil with chop sticks. They realised that the maltesers and the oily jelly cubes were the most difficult as there was less friction between the…
Pray, Stop, Go Jars Year 5
During Lent every time year 5 pray, stop themselves doing something they know they shouldn’t or go out of their way to do something for others they are going to write it down and put it in their Lenten jars. At the end of Lent hopefully they will have a jar of messages to remind them of all the…
Year 5 World Book Day 2021
In Year 5 we celebrated World Book day by showing our favourite book and explaining why we enjoyed it both in class and on zoom. We designed our own board games based around a book and had great fun playing them afterwards. We also got creative and designed characters from a book out of a potato.…
Lenten Leaves Y5
As part of their work on Lent year 5 thought about something they have done that they were sorry for and wrote it down on one side of the leaf. When they had finished they turned the leaf over and wrote about something good they could do for Lent. In taking part in this activity they turned over a…
Y5 'Design and Make' Moon Buggies
As part of their topic on space Y5 were challenged with the task of designing and making a moon buggy with similar features to the Lunar Roving Vehicle used on the Moon in the last three missions of the American Apollo programme during 1971 and 1972. As you can see they all did a great job!
Y5 Safer Internet Day
Year 5 enjoyed joining in the BBC live lesson on Safer Internet Usage. They learnt how the internet is a great source of information but they should always check that what they read is reliable. They made their own newspaper headlines and we all had to guess if they were real or fake.
The Firework Maker’s Daughter Y5 work
Over this half term year 5 have been reading The Firework Maker’s Daughter by Philip Pullman. They have created some wonderful work related to the book including reports, diary and newspaper writing, designing fireworks, character descriptions and finally some impressive book…