Y4 tennis
Year 4 enjoyed learning new tennis skills with Dan. They learnt how to hold the racket correctly, how to serve and enjoyed playing a few games.
Y4 Circuits
As part of Y4’s topic on electricity the children learnt how to wire up a circuit to make the bulb light up. They discovered that if the circuit wasn’t complete it wouldn’t work. They also practised drawing circuits using all the correct scientific symbols.
Y4 Celts
Y4 have been learning about Celtic homes. This involved researching, brainstorming, sharing information and report writing. They learnt that they were built on a hill so they could see enemies coming and were surrounded by spiked fences for protection. They were intrigued to discover that the…
Y4 Athletics
Year 4 enjoyed learning how to do the Triple Jump in athletics today. We all agreed it was harder than it looked but we all managed to improve how far we jumped during the lesson.
Y4 Hockey Final
Congratulations to our Y4 hockey players who came 2nd in the final at Millom. There were eight other schools taking part and we faced some tough opposition! We are now off to Carlisle in July for the School Games!
Y4 hockey tournament
Year 4 enjoyed taking part in a hockey tournament at Whitehaven school. They won, drew and lost some games but all played really well and showed good sportsmanship. Both teams came in 3rd place out of 8 schools.
Y4/6 Tree planting
Y4 and some Y6 have had a wonderful time planting trees by the River Ehen. They learnt about the importance of trees in the environment and planted a grand total of 700! We also got to see the Cumbria Rivers Trust’s new van with Jensen’s design on it!
Y4 Science Week
As part of science week year 4 made helicopters. They had fun finding out what happened when different numbers of paper clips were added. They discovered that the helicopters spun faster as more paper clips were added but actually took longer to reach the ground!
Y4 Bikeability
Year 4 enjoyed practising and learning new skills in Bikeability. They practised starting and stopping, using their brakes and gears and working together as a group. They learnt how to signal and the importance of wearing a helmet. They all had a great time !
World Book Day activities Y4
Year 4 enjoyed dressing up for World Book Day. They all looked fantastic and could talk about their character. We continued with our class book The Firework Maker’s Daughter and carried out different firework related activities which included:- designing our own firework, making a firework…
Y4 Spelling Game
Year 4 enjoyed playing a spelling game to practise spelling words that have the ‘s’ sound but are spelt with an ‘sc’. They took it in turns to choose one of the spelling words, write it on a whiteboard then rolled the die. If they could complete the ‘roll a word task’ with the word they had…
Y4 Volcano Animations
Year 4 have been creating exploding Volcanoes on 2 animate. They had to create a series of slides progressively showing a volcano exploding. They were then able to play an animation of the volcano explosion!