Year3 explore the soil - Is it just dirt?
During our study of rocks we have been considering how soil is made and what it is made of. We had a close look at the different layers within the soil and used sieves and magnifying glasses to see what we could find in it. We found lots of unexpected creatures and dug deep to reveal sand and…
Year 3 Wear Red for Remembrance Day
Year 3 wore red and joined the rest of Key Stage 2, on the yard, at 11 o’clock for a 2 minute silence to mark Remembrance Day. During the afternoon we created some lovely poppy fields using oil pastels. Lest we forget !
Year 3 Maths Week
Year 3 enjoyed Maths week, this week. They were solving problems linked to addition and subtraction, doing an outdoor maths treasure hunt and practicing times tables skills to compete in England Rocks on TTR.
Year 3 had a fantastic day at Walby Farm Park
We had a super time at Walby Farm Park today. We enjoyed the indoor soft play and slides, the outdoor parks, the wooden fort and of course, the lovely animals.
Year 3 English Text Creations
We have been reading a graphic text in English lessons for the last two weeks. The characters in the text created animals using sticks, mud, pebbles, leaves nuts and stones. We wrote descriptions about fantastical animals that we would like to create. We illustrated them in the style of Dave…
Year 3 link Science to their design and technology day
Year 3 had a great time on design and technology day, making garden flowers and planters from re-cycled bottles. This linked nicely to our science topic on plants. The children enjoyed painting and bending the plastic bottles to make garden decorations and flower planters hung with ribbon.
Year 3 practise their ball skills
Year 3 enjoyed practising their ball skills with Mr Green. They were passing, stopping and controlling the ball.
Year 3 enjoy cricket
Year 3 have really enjoyed developing their cricket skills on Friday.
Year 3 Wear Green For Mental Health Awareness Week
Year 3 wear green for nature on Friday, they look fantastic. Well done everyone.
Year 3 are busy looking after the birds
On Friday, we all enjoyed making Cheerio bird feeders. Hope they got home unnibbled!
Year 3 Mark Ascension Day
Year 3 learnt all about Ascension Day and did some wonderful illustrations.