Y3 go to Lowther Castle 2022
We had a wonderful day under the shade of the wood and the fort at Lowther Castle. We had a super time playing and eating our picnic.
School Games Tri-Golf 2022
We all had a great time at the County School Games competing in in the tri-golf section. All the children enjoyed all the different challenges at each station and they all came home with a medal!
Year 3 enjoyed the County School Sports
Some of our Year 3 children represented our school at the County School Sports event. They enjoyed many different Golf games and won medals at the end. They loved meeting the mascot, Spirit. Well done everyone.
KS2 Rounders Club
KS2 children have enjoyed learning how to play rounders in our after school club. They have learnt batting and fielding skills and all enjoyed playing lots of matches.
Year 3 Sports Day
Year 3 had a great time at Sports Day today. Each team did their best and ended with an ice cream. Well done to our winners Red Team and a huge well done to all children who competed.
Year 3 Sports Week
We had a wonderful week of sports, mixing dance, skipping and swimming. We had a fantastic week.
Year 3 NSPCC Big Breaktime
Year 3 enjoyed an extended break-time and raised money for the NSPCC. Well done kids, a very good cause.
Year 3 enjoy the Platinum Jubilee Celebrations
Year 3 had a wonderful time celebrating the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee. We made crowns, ate ice cream, enjoyed our musical buffet lunch and played all afternoon. Thank you your majesty, for your 70 year celebrations
Year 3 Dance
Year 3 had so much fun creating different types of dances and learning new moves.
Year 3 enjoy The Roman Senhouse Museum
Year 3 had a wonderful time at the Roman Senhouse Museum at Maryport. They got to see the remains of a real Roman Fort and view look out posts. They were introduced to our new history topic for next half term in a fun and interactive way. Within the museum, they saw Roman remains that were over…
Year 3 celebrate World Book Day
Year 3 had a fantastic day on the 3rd of March, World Book Day. They were very busy writing book reviews, designing book covers, discussing their favourite books and characters and then enjoyed a cosy read with the children from Reception. A great day
Year 3 improve their ball skills
We have enjoyed practising our ball control with Stuart our sports coach.