Image of Visit to Whitehaven Fire Station
1 November 2019

Visit to Whitehaven Fire Station

What a perfect end to our topic on the Great Fire of London! Year 2 had the pleasure of visiting Whitehaven Fire Station today. The staff were amazing and demonstrated how quickly the fire would have spread in 1666. The children learned about fire fighting today and what equipment is like compared…

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Image of Halloween P.E.
30 October 2019

Halloween P.E.

Year 2 had a Halloween themed multiskills session for P.E. Today. They pretended to be ghosts, vampires, zombies and skeletons while trying to steal treasure from the haunted house and playing evading games. A spooky time was had by all!


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Image of Year 2 Indoor Football Tournament
11 October 2019

Year 2 Indoor Football Tournament

A small team from Year 2 represented the school at a Year 2 indoor football tournament at Whitehaven. The children showed great sportsmanship and worked well together as a team. We are very proud of them!


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Image of Making Tudor Houses
9 October 2019

Making Tudor Houses

As part of our topic on the Great Fire of London, Year 2 have been learning about what houses were like in 1666. Then they used this knowledge to design and create models of Tudor houses.


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Image of Year 2 T T Rockstars
20 September 2019

Year 2 T T Rockstars

What an amazing turnout of costumes for the launch of T T Rockstars. Year 2 had great fun taking part in rock star dances and playing their air guitars. They even had time to log on to the app during a computing session. I wonder who will be the ‘most improved’ and ‘most practised’ each…

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Image of Interactive learning in history
18 September 2019

Interactive learning in history

Today Year 2 used the iPads to complete an interactive quiz about the facts they’ve learnt about the Great Fire of London. They instantly saw the results on the large interactive screen and were extremely pleased with how many questions they got right. Well done Year 2!


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Image of Gymnastics
16 September 2019


This half term we are learning how to refine some of the gymnastics moves we learned last year in preparation for a competition later in the year. Today we focused on jumping and using this to mount the apparatus correctly.


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Image of School council election
15 September 2019

School council election

There was a lot of interest in this year’s school council election. The children interested told the class why they would be a good Year 2 representative on the school council. The vote was very close with Isaac and Pearl being the two winning representatives. Their classmates have full faith in…

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Image of Practical maths
5 September 2019

Practical maths

Year 2 have been working on representing numbers up to 100. They used a range of equipment to make given numbers using tens and ones.


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Image of Year 2 Summer Trip
15 July 2019

Year 2 Summer Trip

Year 2 had a fabulous time at Walby Farm Park today.


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Image of Year 2 Geography
10 July 2019

Year 2 Geography

Year 2 have been learning about the different countries of the Uk and the waters that surround it. They used non-fiction texts (including the internet) to find out about which animals live in the waters around the UK.

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Image of Year 2 Flags
10 July 2019

Year 2 Flags

Year 2 have been learning about the flags of South Africa and what each colour represents. Do you know why it has so many different colours? The children chose which medium they wanted to use to colour in their flags. 

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