Year 2 and Reception Science workshop
We ended National Science Week by dressing up as scientists and having a science workshop delivered by Mrs Robson. We explored solids, liquids and gases. We made predictions about the outcomes and were amazed at the reactions we saw.
Visit to the local library
This afternoon Year 2 enjoyed a visit to Egremont library. They were very excited to explore some of the more challenging books for the first time and to share these with their peers and the adults. The visit concluded with a story session.
Y2 World Book Day 2020
Today we celebrated World Book Day by coming to school dressed in our pyjamas. We brought in our favourite books and shared them with each other. Then we used our favourite books to create a tally chart and a pictogram in Maths so that we could interpret the results.
Whinlatter trip
As part of their Science topic on Living Things and their Habitats, Year 2 went to Whinlatter Forest Park to take part in a Habitats workshop. They learned about the trees and animals that live in the forest then went exploring to see what they could find. There was much excitement when they…
Year 2 Cricket
Year 2 had their first cricket session today. They learned how to bowl over arm and tried to hit the wicket with the ball. A great first effort was made by all the children. They can’t wait for their next session so they can learn even more about cricket.
Key Steps gymnastics
Twelve children from Year 2 took part in the Key Steps gymnastics competition at St Gregory’s and St Patrick’s School in Whitehaven. Four children achieved the advanced level and eight children achieved the intermediate level. We are very proud of them all!
Year 2 Maths
Today Year 2 have been using counters to make arrays to help them in their understanding of multiplication.
Workshop from the West Cumbria Rivers Trust
As part of our Science work on living things and their habitats, Cathy from the West Cumbria Rivers Trust came in and did a workshop about the living things that are found in rivers. The children learned facts about different animals that live in and along our rivers. We played games to find out…
Word detectives
Year 2 have been word detectives today. They have been learning to use dictionaries to help them improve their spelling when writing. They had great fun finding given words then transferring them into their personal dictionaries.
Year 2 Nativity Play
Year 2 performed a brand new play called ‘Higgledy Piggledy Nativity’. We are very proud of them for putting on a truly amazing performance. Their family and friends thoroughly enjoyed every minute.
Year 2 library visit
Year 2 enjoyed a visit to Egremont library today. They had a good browse through before choosing a book to take home. The session ended with a story read by Miss McKendrey.
Remembrance Day 2019
Today Year 2 represented the school at the Remembrance Day service at Egremont War Memorial with the class beacon’s presenting the class wreath at the memorial. They spent some time reflecting on their work on the First World War and remembering the soldiers who had died in the war during prayer…