Year 2 Creatures
Year 2 designed their own creatures to appear in their chapter of The Night Zoo series. On Friday they used a Computing programme of their choice to illustrate their creature.
Year 2 Library Visit
Year 2 visited Egremont Library this morning. We all agreed that there are so many fabulous books in the library that it can be very difficult to choose which one to take home which means we will just have to return during the holidays to choose another back.
Year 2 Writing Journey
Year 2 enjoyed looking through their big red writing books to look at their writing journey so far through school. They were all interested, amazed and proud at how much progress they have made.
Year 2 Bowls
Year 2 went to Egremont Bowling Green to learn how to bowl. They then took part in a tournament and came second! Well done Year 2!
Year 2 Rum Story
Year 2 visited The Rum Story this morning to enhance their learning about Africa and how their local area links to Africa. Ask them who the Jefferson’s are.
Year 2 Running Tournament
Year 2 used their running skills to good effect this morning finishing first and third in the team relay races.
Year 2 Running
Year 2 have been developing stamina and endurance running skills in the sunshine this afternoon.
Year 2 Harbour Trail
Year 2 enjoyed learning all about the history of their local harbour side (Whitehaven) and how it links to other parts of the world. Ask them who John Paul Jones is.
Year 2 Dance Extravaganza
What a great time was had by all at the Dance Extravaganza this afternoon. They all danced beautifully!
Year 2 Sunset Silhouettes
Year 2 enjoyed making Sunset Sihouettes as part of their topic on Africa.
Year 2 Pancakes
Year 2 thoroughly enjoyed tucking into the Pancakes they made with their favourite toppings. Yum yum.
Year 2 Instructions
Year 2 have been learning how to write instructions. They have also been reading ‘Mama Panya’s Pancakes’ so today we used our instructions to help us make our own pancakes.