Image of Home learning: Computer art
19 June 2020

Home learning: Computer art

This week in home learning Year 2 learned about the artist Pied Mondrian. They looked at some examples of his artwork and used what they had learned about his style to create their own artwork. The artwork was created using a variety of tools in 2Paint.


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Image of Home learning: Sporty art
15 June 2020

Home learning: Sporty art

Year 2 indulged in some art linked to the theme of Lockdown Sports Day. They looked at some artwork by Matisse and used this as inspiration to create their own sporty art.


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Image of Lockdown Sports Day
12 June 2020

Lockdown Sports Day

We were not going to let the lockdown stop us having our annual sports day so we held a virtual one! The children took part in sports day activities at home or in the local environment. There was lots of running, skipping, long jump, egg and spoon races, obstacle courses and other activities.

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Image of Home Learning: Week beginning 01.06.2020
5 June 2020

Home Learning: Week beginning 01.06.2020

Year 2 found out about the city of Rio de Janeiro in Brazil. They learned about the characteristics of the place and what the Rio Carnival is like. The children used the knowledge they had gained to design or create an outfit, mask or headdress for the Rio Carnival. I’m sure you’ll agree that they…

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Image of Praying the Rosary at home
20 May 2020

Praying the Rosary at home

May is the month of Mary and is traditionally a time when Catholics pray the Rosary together at home. Year 2 learned about what the Rosary is and took part in praying it at home with their families.


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Image of Home learning week 4: Florence Nightingale's 200th birthday
16 May 2020

Home learning week 4: Florence Nightingale's 200th birthday

Florence Nightingale would have been 200 years old on 12th May 2020. Year 2 researched the life of Florence Nightingale and used what they learned to produce information posters and pieces of writing to tell others about her and why she was so important.


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Image of Home learning Week 3: Celebrating the 75th VE Day
13 May 2020

Home learning Week 3: Celebrating the 75th VE Day

Year 2 have been very busy learning about VE Day. They completed a reading comprehension about Victory in Europe then did some research of their own. They used this information to write acrostic poems linked to VE Day. The children also shared their preparations and celebrations with the rest of…

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Image of Home learning Week 3: Celebrating the 75th VE Day
8 May 2020

Home learning Week 3: Celebrating the 75th VE Day

Year 2 came together through Class Dojo to celebrate the 75th VE Day. The children found out about Victory in Europe by completing a reading comprehension and carrying out further research of their own. They used what they had learned to write an acrostic poem about VE Day. They also shared…

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Image of Home learning in Year 2: Week 2
30 April 2020

Home learning in Year 2: Week 2

Year 2 have been inspired by the actions of Captain Tom Moore. They researched his achievements now and in the past then wrote newspaper articles about him and created some artwork to celebrate his 100th birthday.


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Image of Home learning Week 1: P.E.
24 April 2020

Home learning Week 1: P.E.

During week 1 of home learning Year 2 took part in a variety of sports and activities such as cricket, football, walking, running, cycling, dancing with Oti, P.E. with Joe Wicks and trampolining. They know how important it is to exercise for good health.


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Image of Celebrating St George's Day
23 April 2020

Celebrating St George's Day

Year 2 were very creative in the ways they chose to celebrate St George'sDay. Some of them chose to draw pictures, make props such as swords, shields, flags and dragons and dress up while others baked St George's Day treats.


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Image of Practical Maths
17 March 2020

Practical Maths

Year 2 have been working on statistics in Maths. They are finishing off the unit of work by making block graphs. They used information shown in a table to make block graphs using cubes. They asked each other questions about the information they could see, e.g. Which is the least popular? In their…

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