Gymnastics Y2
Year 2 thoroughly enjoyed exploring different ways to move, balance and make shapes today in gymnastics.
Year 2 & 6 Science Week
As part of Science Week, Year 2 joined Year 6 to carry out some experiments together. Lots of fun was had exploring different designs of helicopters by varying numbers of propellers and propeller lengths to find which designs had the best aerodynamics. Next they investigated how to make bubbles as…
Fun in the Spring Sun
What wonderful way to get exercise and develop social skills! Year 2 thoroughly enjoyed themselves being active outside in the Spring sunshine this afternoon.
Year 2 were mesmerised by the array of fish and underwater life at The Lake District Coast Aquarium today. They were using lots of scientific vocabulary and expanded noun phrases to describe all the living things they could see. Very impressive knowledge for such little people.
Sharing Books on World Book Day
Year 2 and Year 5 enjoyed sharing books together, taking it in turns to read to one another.
Y2 World Book Day
There were some interesting characters in Year 2 today looking at an image and using it to make predictions and write noun phrases. Can you recognise anyone?
Year 2 Cartwheels
In gymnastics today, Year 2 were learning how to do cartwheels safely.
Extended Writing in Year 2
Year 2 have been learning how to write a biography. This morning they listened to Baroque music from the 1600s as they independently wrote a biography about Samuel Pepys.
Year 2 Library Visit Spring Term
Year 2 enjoyed visiting Egremont Library this morning to return their previously borrowed books and find a different book to borrow. They also really enjoyed listening to a story about mischievous monsters in a zoo.
Year2 Maths Day
As part of Maths day, Year 2 really enjoyed playing different maths games on the laptops using and improving their mathematical knowledge and understanding.