Football coach in Reception
This half term, Reception have a football coach each week. This week we have been learning how to control a ball using little kicks and how to pass it to a member of our team. Great start Reception!
Reception’s Nativity show 2024
Our Reception children did an amazing job of performing their class Nativity, ‘Little Blue Star’. Well done!
Christmas crafting decorations in Reception
In Reception we have been getting in the Christmas spirit by making our own Christmas decorations. This week we have been making reindeers, by adding a pom pom nose and eyes.
Santa and Mrs Christmas visit
We had a special visit from Santa, Mrs Christmas and their elves to deliver presents to all the children. Reception were busy practising our nativity show on the stage and even sang a song for our guests who had a dance. Thank you to Egremont town council and Egremont Winter wonderland.
Reception obstacle course session
Reception were delighted to have Mrs Grealish join us from St Benedict’s to teach a PE session involving obstacle courses. The children learnt how to balanced, co-ordinate their movements and agility. They had a great time and even practised their skills of waiting patiently and turn taking. Thank…
Reception at the Pantomime 2024
A wonderful time was had by all the Infants watching the pantomime ‘Aladdin’ at the Carnegie Theatre & Arts Centre. The children and adults laughed and shouted from the start to the finish. What a fantastic way to start the Christmas festivities!
Collective worship in Reception
In Reception this week we have been taking part in our collective worship around the theme of ‘Love’. The children shared who they loved and lit their candle, representing Jesus as the light of the world. Some of the children then chose to use our prayer area to say their own prayers.
Reception Class Whinlatter Trip 2024
What a wonderful day Reception Class have had! Our guide was extremely helpful and told us about the woodland creatures that can be found at Whinlatter. We enjoyed a walk through the forest and even found the Gruffalo! We enjoyed lunch in the yurt beside the wood burning stove, which was so lovely…
Giuseppe Art in Reception
In Reception, we have been learning about the artist Giuseppe Arcimboldo and how he created his own arty by painting fruit, vegetables. The children then created their own portraits.
Friendship disco Reception 2024
A fun time was had for Reception who had a Friendship Disco with year 1 and 2. They enjoyed dancing, the disco lights and a quick snack. What wonderful times to share with their friends.
Anti-Bullying Week
Reception came to school in blue or in their own clothes to support Anti-Bullying week. They talked about how they can be good friends and what to do if they ever need help. Everyone is looking forward to the ‘Friendship Disco’.
Advent Wreaths in Reception
Reception have been learning about the Advent Wreath. They found out that ‘Advent’ means getting ready for Christmas and that the Advent Wreath is used in church to to count down to Christmas by lighting the candles. They found out about the different coloured candles used and their meaning.…