Learning about the rosary in Reception
As it is the month of October, Reception have been learning about what the rosary is. They learnt that we use rosary beads and say prayers for each bead. The children also learnt that the rosary is said to Mary and one of the prayers is the Hail Mary. They then created their own crafts of Mary and…
Reception Rangoli Patterns
After learning about the Hindu festival ‘Diwali’ the children created some Rangoli patterns using watercolours. They learnt that the patterns can be placed outside homes to welcome visitors and to bring good luck.
Number counting in Reception
This week we have been busy in the provision learning to count during our play. We have been focussing on recognising numbers and representing them and learning that anything can be counted. We have been making sure that we count one to one to get to the correct number of objects. Super Maths…
Reception Class - We’re Going on a Bear Hunt
Reception Class have been on their very own Bear Hunt today. We repeated phrases from the story e.g.: ‘What a beautiful day! We’re not scared!’
We discussed the vocabulary: over, under and through and sequenced the events from the story. Most importantly we discovered the Bear hiding in his…
Repeating Patterns - fruit kebabs
This week Reception Class have enjoyed learning about repeating patterns. To complete the week and consolidate their learning, they made fruit kebabs using their own repeating patterns. The best part was eating them at the end!
A Wonderful Welcome
Today in R.E. Reception learnt about welcoming others. They talked about how they greet their friends and family when they visit their homes. Reception learnt to use the word ‘welcome’ and talked about what it means. They enjoyed role playing welcoming each other and staff into class. Reception…
Year 3 paint impasto like Van Gogh
Year 3 mixed flour, glue and paint to give a thick texture to their paint. Then they studied Vincent van Gogh’s “Starry night” and painted in his style.
Looking after animals like St Francis
This week Reception have been learning about St Francis, as his feast day is on the 4th October. We learnt that he loved all of God’s creations and cared for our environment. We talked about how we could show love and care for animals and then made our own animal homes that could home an animal.…
Reception PE
Reception class really enjoyed their PE session this week. They practised keeping the balloon off the ground, this involved teamwork and some children got really creative and used different body parts to keep their balloon off the floor. Fun was had by all!
Musical Reception
Reception have been learning how to keep a rhythm in music by clapping our hands or tapping our knees. We learnt the song, ‘Pat a cake’ and some actions to match. We first did this on our own and then found a partner to do the actions with. The children really enjoyed the partner game where you…
Reception Visit Church
Reception class enjoyed visiting our parish church of St. Mary’s. They took part in a role play to explore the different parts of Baptism. They dressed the baby in a white baptismal gown and went through the stages of Baptism. Reception enjoyed their visit to church and finding out more about…
Exploring mixing colours in Reception
Our Reception children have been exploring colours this week and learning how to make new ones. They chose two colours and mixed them together to make another colour. We also learnt how to wash our brushes too after painting with one colour and before choosing another one.