Image of Flying to the Moon 2022
9 May 2022

Flying to the Moon 2022

On Friday in Nursery we flew to the moon, just like in our story ‘Whatever next!’.
We gathered our teddy bears, climbed into our rocket and counted down for take off!
When we took off into space we saw lots of stars and some of the planets we have been learning about. 
As we landed on the moon,…

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Image of Easter in Nursery 2022
1 April 2022

Easter in Nursery 2022

We have had so much fun celebrating and learning all about Easter in Nursery. We have made our Easter cards using our hand prints and turning them into a lamb, a chick or a bunny rabbit. We then decorated an Easter picture to stick inside to take home, as well as having a go at writing our…

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Image of Nursery and Reception Easter Bonnet Parade 2022
24 March 2022

Nursery and Reception Easter Bonnet Parade 2022

Nursery and Reception have been practising really hard over the last few weeks for their Easter bonnet parade.
The children created their own Easter bonnets to wear for the parade as well as singing some Easter songs, with actions.
It was lovely to welcome parents back into school to watch and…

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Image of Nursery Science Week 2022
22 March 2022

Nursery Science Week 2022

Nursery have thoroughly enjoyed Science Week! We started the week off by using some Science equipment, pretending to be Scientists. We even had some dinosaur Scientists visit us and show us an experiment to create fizzy animals, which was very exciting! Our next experiment required us to be…

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