Police visit to Nursery
In Nursery we have been learning about people who help us. We have talked a lot about police, fire fighters, doctors, and teachers being people who can help us in different ways. Teachers can help us learn and doctors can help us when we feel poorly.
This morning we were very lucky to have a…
Science Day in Nursery
We have loved investigating gloop this week! we have used different amounts of cornstarch and water to creat different gloop textures. Some gloop felt watery and other gloop went very sticky.
We also had a go at a lava lamp experiment! For this we used oil, water and dropped…
Nursery in the Wonder Dome
What a super time have had in the Wonderdome!
We travelled to space and got to learn all about the planets and stars in the solar system. We even got to see what it was like on the moon. We loved that we were surrounded by the stars and planets, it was like we were really in space!
We also…
World Book Day in Nursery
What a super day we have had celebrating world book day! We have read our favourite stories and came to Nursery dressed as our favourite characters too!
We have also had two special treats today! This morning we visited year 3 who read some of their favourite picture books and stories to us…
Valentines in Nursery
This week we have been celebrating valentines in Nursery. We have created our own Valentines cards using heart confetti and a heart shaped hole punch to creat love bugs. We have also been baking some valentines biscuits. We used butter, sugar and flour to create a shortbread dough. We then rolled…
Throwing and catching
This week we have been practising our throwing and catching skills. To do this we have been learning how to play the game hot potato. We started with a small circle rolling and gently passing the ball to each other. We have practised so much that we were able to play a huge game of hot potato…
Celebrating Chinese New Year in Nursery
This week we have been learning about Chinese New Year.
We have been practising some Chinese numbers and symbols in the fine motor area using some paint brushes and we have also had a go at some Chinese New Year themed yoga. We practised moving and being like the different animals who raced…
Nursery PSHE Autumn Term
Last term in Nursery we introduced Jigsaw for PSHE. We met our Jigsaw friends Jigsaw Jenie and Jerrie Cat. The first topic we covered was ‘Being me in my world’. We practised the rules and routines, and we have come to really like doing ‘Calm Time’. This is where we sit still and quiet, taking…
Learning about being kind and unkind
This week we have been reading ‘The Smartest Giant in Town’ by Julia Donaldson. In the story George the giant is kind to everyone he meets, helping them in different ways. We have also been looking at ways in which we are kind in Nursery. Lots of children said that sharing and playing with each…
Circle Time in Nursery
Our first day back in Nursery and we couldn’t wait to share all the exciting things we had been up to over the Christmas holidays!
We used talking turtle to help us wait our turn to speak and share. We loved talking to each other about Santa visiting our houses, our favourite presents and all…
Christmas Jumper Day in Nursery
We had lots of fun celebrating Christmas Jumper Day! We all came dressed in our favourite Christmas jumpers; we had a go at designing and colouring our very own Christmas jumper too. We had so much fun doing this we forgot to take some photos.
We then finished the day with some party games and…
Nursery Christmas printing
This week in Nursery Christmas has been in full swing. One of our favourite activities we have done was using Lego brick and stickle bricks and paint to print and make Christmas pictures.