Nursery Christmas sing a long and elf day
Today we had our Christmas sing a long. We throughly enjoyed singing up on the stage for our families. We hope everyone enjoyed it as much as we did!
We came dressed as elves and enjoyed an elf party afterwards. We played party games, made some elf crafts and enjoyed some party food and a…
Nursery Christmas Ginger Biscuits
This afternoon Nursery have enjoyed baking and decorating some Christmas ginger biscuits. We put golden syrup, egg yolk, dairy free butter and some biscuit mix into a bowl and mixed it all together. They baked in the oven for 15 minutes.
Once ready, we let them cool down. We then decorated the…
Nursery: Summer Season
As well as learning about the winter season through our tuff tray explorations we have also been learning about summer. We have been making a summer craft to help us learn about the summer season. The children used different shapes, linked to our maths work, to create their own sunshine. They used…
Nursery: RE - How we welcome people into our family
This week in RE we have been learning about how we welcome people into our family.
We have been in the home corner where we have been able to role play looking after a new born baby. We have talked about what a new baby needs and how to help our grownups at home when a new baby arrives. Lots of…
Nursery: Exploring the Winter season
Today we have been learning about the season of Winter.
We were very lucky that the kitchen gave us some dairy free cream that we used in the tuff tray to make some snow.
We were able to feel and taste the cream, while learning about which animals like the cold weather. We also talked about…
Nursery Bonfire celebrations
As part of our topic ‘Celebrating in Style’ today we celebrated Bonfire night. We were joined in Nursery by Reception and were able to watch some fireworks. We also enjoyed some hot chocolate and a biscuit afterwards. In Nursery we also enjoyed some sparklers. Throughout the day we have talked…
Halloween in Nursery
We have had a day filled with lots of treats … but not too many tricks. We have enjoyed lots of party games, Halloween crafts and party food. We were even joined by Reception for an extra spooky party this afternoon.
Nursery - What’s your favourite tale?
This half term our topic has been ‘Whats your favourite tale?’.
We have loved reading lots of stories and exploring different fairytales using puppets. We have been through forests and up beanstalks to lands far away. Our top picks have been ‘The Three Little Pigs’, ‘The Gingerbread Man’, ‘The…
Nursery fun in the rain
Last week’s bad weather didn’t stop us in Nursery!
We suited up, put our wellies on and had lots of fun racing through puddles, jumping in muddy puddles, dancing in the rain and catching rain drops.
Nursery Fun Day 2022
Nursery Fun Day and what a jam packed day we have had!
We started with pass the parcel, we then took it in turns going on the bouncy castle and getting some summer themed tattoos. Before we knew it the ice cream van had arrived with a cold treat for us. (We didn’t get any photos of these as…
Phunky Foods 2022
Over the last half term we have had a Key Stage 2 group of children take part in Phunky Foods.
Week 1
We started by making some no bake cereal bars. They include oats/cereal, brown sugar and syrup to bind it all together. The ingredients list was in cups. We looked at a few different…
Nursery Sports Day 2022
What a super sports day we have had in Nursery. We painted our faces with stripes to show which colour team we were in. Once we were ready we got into our teams and went outside to cheer on Reception. Then, it was our turn to race. We waited patiently in our teams until it was our turn to go. We…