Image of Acts of Kindness Y4
12 December 2019

Acts of Kindness Y4

Year 4 have been learning about how to share God’s love and friendship as part of their Advent preparations. They carried out random acts of kindness in the local community by handing out sweets and chocolates alongside messages of love and friendship. 


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Image of Corn Dollies Y4
3 December 2019

Corn Dollies Y4

As part of our topic on Anglo-Saxons, Y4 made their own Corn Dollies. We all agreed that it was very ‘fiddly’ and required careful dexterity and patience. 


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Image of Squash Y4
2 December 2019

Squash Y4

Year 4 had their last session at Winscale Squash Club this morning. They have all made a fabulous progress and had lots of fun whilst keeping fit and learning new skills. 

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27 November 2019

Mile A Day Y4

Keeping fit in year 4 by running a mile in the autumn sunshine. 


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Image of Year 4 Adoration
22 November 2019

Year 4 Adoration

Year 4 visited church today to say a Prayer of Adoration and for some quiet reflection. 

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Image of Year 4 Maths
21 November 2019

Year 4 Maths

Year 4 have been working collaboratively, using different strategies to help them with their calculations.


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Image of Anti-Bullying Day Y4
15 November 2019

Anti-Bullying Day Y4

As part of Anti-Bullying Day, Year 4 explored internet safety and cyber bullying. They used Purple Mash to help them design and create an information leaflet about how to stay safe online.

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Image of Year 4 Science Investigation
13 November 2019

Year 4 Science Investigation

As part of their science topic on teeth, Year 4 planned and carried out an investigation to find out how different drinks affect our teeth. Can you guess which drinks we tested? 


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Image of High-5 Festival
8 November 2019

High-5 Festival

The Netball Club took part in a High-5 festival alongside local Primary Schools this morning. What great team spirit they all demonstrated! 

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Image of International Artists Day Y4
1 November 2019

International Artists Day Y4

As part of Intenational Artists Day, Y4 compared two well-known artists. We then chose a style we liked and had a go at creating our own versions. Can you guess which two artists we looked at? 

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Image of Year 4 Squash
29 October 2019

Year 4 Squash

Year 4 enjoyed their very first Squash coaching session this morning. They developed their balancing skills and learnt what strong arms you need. 

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Image of Year 4 Pray the Rosary
18 October 2019

Year 4 Pray the Rosary

This morning, Year 4 prayed the rosary and reflected on the mystery of The Annunciation. They then labelled a diagram of the Rosary to demonstrate their understanding of how to pray using the rosary. 

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