Journalistic Writing Y4
Year 4 are reading ‘Beowulf’ retold by Michael Morpurgo. They wrote in role as a journalist to report on Grendel’s first attack on the mead hall.
Keeping Active in Year 4
Even though many of us are having to spend a lot more time at home, Year 4 have been taking part in different activities to keep their bodies moving.
Year 4 ‘Investigating Static Electricity’
Year 4 enjoyed investigating how to create their own static electricity using balloons.
Year 4 R.E.
Year 4 produced some informative leaflets about the parish.
Year 4 Viking Longships
As part of our history topic about the Vikings, Year 4 learned about the infamous Longships. For D&T they used this knowledge to design and make their own Longships using the materials they could upcycle from home.
Year 4 Remembrance Day
Year 4 created some atmospheric artwork and took part in the Remembrance Run to commemorate Remembrance Day.
Year 4 Baking Biscuits
Year 4 followed a recipe to bake their own biscuits. They had to use lots of skills including maths.
Year 4 Viking Shields
Year 4 designed then made their very own vikings shields using a range of essential skills.
Year 4 Maths
Year 4 use a range of resources to help solve maths problems.
Year 4 Christmas Crafts
Year 4 had a busy day making some Christmas tree decorations and Christmas cards.
Year 4 Christmas Crafts
Year 4 had a busy day making Christmas tree decorations and Christmas cards.
Year 4 Computing: Spreadsheets
Year 4 have been learning how to format cells in a spreadsheet.