Image of Year 4 Anglo-Saxons in Battle
16 October 2019

Year 4 Anglo-Saxons in Battle

Year 4 learnt about the weapons the Anglo-Saxons made and used in battle and the different battle formations they used. Next, they learnt some Anglo-Saxon battle commands and took part in a mock battle. 

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Image of Year 4: Anglo-Saxon Writing
16 October 2019

Year 4: Anglo-Saxon Writing

Year 4 learnt about how the Anglo-Saxons used resources from nature to produce beautiful pieces of text. They also learnt about the use of ‘runes’ and were set the challenge to decipher some Anglo-Saxon text. They then made their own quill and ink and usd these to write a message using the runic…

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Image of Year 4: Forging Coins
16 October 2019

Year 4: Forging Coins

Year 4 learnt about how coins were made and used in Anglo-Saxon Britain. They were then able to create their own coin designs and forge their own coins. 

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Image of Year4 Anglo-Saxon Trip
16 October 2019

Year4 Anglo-Saxon Trip

Year 4 visited Woodmatters in Windermere today to learn all about what life was like in Anglo-Saxon Britain in a fun and interactive way. Firstly, we learnt about the changing Kingdoms of Britain as different groups of peoples invaded and settled in Britain. 

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Image of Year 4 Gymnastics 2
14 October 2019

Year 4 Gymnastics 2

Year 4 were using all the skills they have learnt so far to improve and refine then put into a sequence. 


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Image of Year 4 Gymnastics 1
14 October 2019

Year 4 Gymnastics 1

This morning, Year 4 were experimenting with making shapes and improving their balance on the apparatus. They all identified that they needed to use their core strength. 


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Image of Year 4 Prayer and Liturgy
11 October 2019

Year 4 Prayer and Liturgy

Year 4 have been reflecting on how to pray using the rosary.


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Image of Year 4 Library Visit
11 October 2019

Year 4 Library Visit

Year 4 enjoyed their visit to the library this morning. They were very mature, with excellent behaviour. They also took the time to complete the Library comments slip to leave feedback. 

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Image of Year 3&4 Football Festival
7 October 2019

Year 3&4 Football Festival

Representatives from Y3 & Y4 enjoyed taking part in a Football Festival. Great ball skills and team spirit from all involved. 

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Image of Year4 Prayer and Liturgy
3 October 2019

Year4 Prayer and Liturgy

Today’s Prayer and Liturgy was about how we can follow in Jesus’ footsteps by helping others. 


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Image of Year 4 Gymnastics
16 September 2019

Year 4 Gymnastics

Year 4 having been learning how to jump safely during gymnastics. They experiemented with making different shapes.

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Image of Year 2 Summer Trip
15 July 2019

Year 2 Summer Trip

Year 2 had a fabulous time at Walby Farm Park today.


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