Image of Cricket Coaching
18 June 2021

Cricket Coaching

Year 4 are really enjoying developing the skills needed for cricket. They particularly enjoyed using their news skills to gain points in the game. 


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Image of Squash Skills
28 May 2021

Squash Skills

Year 4 are really enjoying learning how to play squash. Alongside developing racket and ball skills, they are learning the rules of the game and keeping fit and active. 

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Image of Logo in Year 4
24 May 2021

Logo in Year 4

Year 4 are using Logo to learn how to use a text based coding language to control an onscreen turtle to create mathematical patterns. Today they have been learning the common instructions using the Logo programming language to create shapes. 

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Image of Coding in Y4
12 May 2021

Coding in Y4

Year 4 have completed a course in Coding during their computing lessons. They have been learning new technical vocabulary associated with coding and learning how to put computational thinking into practice. 

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Image of Bringing Nature into our Lives
12 May 2021

Bringing Nature into our Lives

Year 4 spent the afternoon outside enjoying developing a relationship with nature. Time was spent relaxing, connecting with others and the world around us, contemplating how we can feel close to nature, how feeling close to nature can help us feel happy, calm and relaxed. We carried out some…

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Image of Racket Skills
23 April 2021

Racket Skills

Year 4 have been learning racket skills. They learned to hold the racket correctly and control the ball. They quickly realised that it requires a lot of strength and skill and that it’s not as easy as it looks. 

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Image of Exploring the New Castle
21 April 2021

Exploring the New Castle

Year 4 enjoyed exploring the new Castle in the warm Spring sunshine.


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Image of Story Openings
1 April 2021

Story Openings

This half term, Year 4 have been exploring different ways to open a story. We read a range of openings from well-known novels and compared the different ways each story starts. We then read the opening chapter to ‘The Hobbit’ and used it to write our own gripping start to a fantasy story in the…

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Image of Autism Awareness Week 2021
1 April 2021

Autism Awareness Week 2021

We have had some very open and honest discussions about what autism is a what life is like living with autism. 

The children were so thoughtful and insightful and those with a diagnosis of autism kindly shared with us their experiences of the world and some of the challenges they encounter in…

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Image of Cricket -Taster Session
26 March 2021

Cricket -Taster Session

Year 4 thoroughly enjoyed their taster session of cricket this week with a visiting cricket coach. This was a good introduction to cricket in preparation for their P.E. lessons next term. 


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Image of The Year of Saint Joseph 2020-2021
19 March 2021

The Year of Saint Joseph 2020-2021

Year 4’s class saint is St Joseph which is celebrated on March 19th each year but Pope Francis proclaimed that we celebrate a Year of St Joseph. Today we learned about Saint Joseph and about why the Pope admires him. We also researched the different ways that the feast of  St Joseph is celebrated…

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Image of Hammering Nails
19 March 2021

Hammering Nails

While Year 4 were learning about carpentry, they compared the methods and tools Saint Joseph might have used with those used by carpenters today.  

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