Squash with Newspaper
Today Year 4 used newspaper to help them learn new skills as part of their Squash coaching. They played the newspaper game to warm up, which helped train their sense of pace and posture, followed by using the newspaper as a target to help teach them coordination and accuracy.
Paralympic in School
We were very privileged today to meet Paralympic Footballer Jonathan Paterson. We took part in an activate session with the whole school. We had to carry out four exercises for a whole minute each: ‘Spotty Dog’, ‘Leg Drives’, ‘Push-Ups’ and ‘Star Jumps’. Jonathan told us about himself and his…
Y4 Sports Day 2023
What a fantastic day! A really tremendous effort by everyone in Year 4 at our 2023 Sprits Day. I was very proud of the team spirit and support everyone showed one another. Well done to green team!
As part of their geography topic ‘Map Skills’, Year 4 have been learning about the different climates around the world. They have been using maps in an atlas and online to investigate the range of environmental regions and how this impacts habitation. They have been thinking about which climate…
Squash Coaching
Year 4 have are very privileged to receive weekly Squash coaching from our local Squash club. They are really enjoying learning a new skills and participating in a new sport.
Sewing a Press Stud
Year 4 are become experts at threading a needle. Today they sewed a press stud onto fabric.
Enjoying a good read
Year 4 have been enjoying reading their class novel outside in the glorious summer weather.
Year 3 and 4 walked down to our local bowling green to take part in a bowling tournament against other local schools. They had a great time learning a new sport. Some of the children were very good at it and wanted to go again, in their own time.
Summer Term Library Visit
Year 4 visited their local library this morning. They were able to return or renew their books from their last visit. Next they perused the shelves and chose a book to withdraw and take home to read. Some children found it difficult to choose because there were so many fabulous books to choose…
Year 3/4 Bowlers
Year 3 and 4 walked down to our local bowling green to take part in a bowling competition against other local schools. They had a great time and some became very serious about wanting to win. They were determined! Some of the children were very good at it and wanted to go again, in their own…
Sew a Button
Year 4 have been learning how to sew a button and make a button hole. They had to thread a needle and use their fine motor skills to carefully manipulate the needle to sew it onto fabric then create a shank. It was very tricky but they persevered. Well done Year 4!
KidzFit Workshop
Year 3 and 4 enjoyed a fitness session with KidzFit today. We learned lots about the importance of a healthy lifestyle through exercise and diet. We had a go at a range of exercises to raise our heartbeats and test our stamina, agility and resilience. We also learned about the positive effects of…