9 February 2021
Landscape Art
Year 4 have been learning how to create perspective and depth in landscape art.
9 February 2021
Mental Health Awareness in Y4
Year 4 explored different ways to look after one another’s mental health.
17 September 2019
Y3&4 Phunky Foods
Y3 & 4 learnt about healthy food swaps in Phunky Foods then came up with lots of great suggestions of their own!
4 July 2019
Athletics 5 Steps 5 Stars
We all enjoyed the athletics tournament at St. Bees School taking part in long jump, high jump, hurdles, sprint, vortex and ball push!
9 June 2019
Golf Tournament
Congratulations to all our golfers who took part in a tournament at Seascale Golf Club. Our Y4 team came first and we are through to the School Games in Carlisle.