Year 4 St Joseph’s Day 2025
In Year 4, our class saint is Saint Joseph. His feast day is celebrated on the 19th March. To celebrate this day, we all wore green and brown which are the colours associated with him. We then learned about his life and how his special day is celebrated in other countries across the world.
Year 4 Biggest Ever Football Session 2025
Year 4 fully embraced the Biggest Ever Football Session today in our matches with Year 3. Both boys and girls enjoyed a match and a penalty shootout. The children showed such brilliant team work, sportsmanship and resilience.
Nursery World Book Day 2025
Nursery have loved celebrating world book day today! We came to school dress up as our favourite character and enjoyed sharing a story with Year 4.
Year 4 Love & Social Justice 2025
To promote the Pope’s message of love and social justice, in Year 4 we have thought about how we can spread this message in our communities. We have set ourselves a mission of showing love, fairness and kindness to all those around us and to treat others how we want to be treated. We have also…
Children’s Mental Health Week 2025 Year 4
The theme of this year’s Children’s Mental Health Week is ‘Know Yourself;Grow Yourself’ so in Year 4 we have spent this week focusing on Growth Mindset. We know that mistakes help us to improve, we must always try new strategies and that we will get there in the end. We have all created our own,…
Multi-skills Tournament KS2
Today, KS2 representatives participated in a Multi-Skills Tournament at St. Bees School and secured 2nd place! The children demonstrated their abilities in throwing, catching, striking, kicking, coordination, running, and jumping. They all worked together as a team to achieve this great…
Year 4 BSL Practice
In Year 4 this week, during our collective worship, we have been practicing Joy of the Holy Spirit, using British Sign Language. We have learned about the power that we receive from the Holy Spirit and discussed how we can share it with others, including those who aren’t able to hear or perhaps…
Year 4 Cricket
Year 4 have had a brilliant start to our Spring Term. This week in PE we have been practicing multi skills and cricket. In cricket we have been honing our hand-eye coordination by bowling the ball properly, batting and catching.
Year 4 Christmas Lunch 2024
Year 4 have enjoyed a very merry and delicious Christmas Lunch together. The food was delicious and all of the children had a wonderful time.
Year 4 Reindeer Run
Year 4 embraced the chilly morning and took part in our sponsored Reindeer Run in aid of Jigsaw - Cumbria’s Children’s Hospice. The children had a brilliant time and clocked up many, many laps. Well Done Year 4!
Year 3/4 Rapid Fire Cricket Tournament
Year 3 and 4 representatives had a great time at the School Games Rapid Fire Cricket Tournament today. They learnt lots of new skills then put these into practice in a new form of fast pace cricket games.
Year 4 Christmas Theatre Trip
This week, Year 4 enjoyed a fabulous Christmas treat at Theatre By The Lake in Keswick to watch a performance of The Jungle Book. We loved the show, clapped along to the songs and were on the edge of our seats during the action scenes!