Y1 Sports Day
Year 1 had a fantastic time competing in Sports Day. It was great fun racing and cheering everyone on. Congratulations to the green team who were the winners.
KidzFit workshop
Year 2 were joined by Year 1 for a KidzFit workshop. The children learned all about how to keep themselves healthy through exercise. The children tested their abilities by taking part in different exercises and monitoring the affect this had on their bodies. What a wonderful time was had by…
Year 1 find out ‘Can you build with bread?’
In our D&T lessons we have been investigating answering ‘Can you build with bread?’. We have been building a house for the three little pigs. After investigating we decided to heat the bread first to make toast as it is more sturdy for building with. We made our own cement choosing our own…
Year 1 and Year 6 Active Maths for Number Day
Today for Number Day Year 1 and Year 6 joined together to take part in some ‘Active Maths’. Year 6 planned maths games and activities for Year 1 to enjoy. Everyone enjoyed counting, adding, subtracting, dividing and multiplying in creative ways. It was fun learning and being active together.
A Party Fit for a King
Year 1 celebrated in royal style. We enjoyed making our own crowns to wear at our street party. We decorated ourselves with Union Jack face paints and tattoos. We bounced till we dropped and finished off with an ice cream or ice lolly. Having our lunch with all the classes joined together…
Olympic Athlete Visits School
Chris Bennet, Olympic hammer thrower, visited school today to tell us all about his experiences and carry out a fitness circuit with each class. We were all inspired by his determination and dedication to his sport. We had lots of fun taking part in the fitness activities and enjoyed learning…
Active Travel Week Spring Term 2023
We have all been trying to walk, cycle or scoot to school this week as part of Active Travel Week. As well as helping us get fitter, this cuts down on pollution and car congestion outside our school. Year 5 also had a turn at wearing the step trackers this week. The children tried to improve on…
Y1 Amazing Art
In our Textiles lessons we have been learning to attach materials in different ways and add colour, pattern and texture.
Marvellous Measuring in Year 1
Today we have been learning about measuring length. We have been using non-standard measures like cubes, paper clips, rubbers and hands. We have measured objects around our classroom using cubes. We had lots of fun counting the cubes to find out the length and we even measured a row of tables!
Y1 Forest School Fun
Into the woods for more fantastic learning experiences with Mia our Forest School Leader. We enjoyed creating our own necklaces. We used tools to create the hole for the string to go through. We explored climbing trees and had great fun playing group games. This week we saw lots of progress with…
Y1 Wonder in the Wonder Dome
Year 1 enjoyed a fascinating and fun interactive Planetarium Show in the Wonder Dome. It showed Year 1 how wonderful and intriguing the universe is. The Wonder Dome created a magical learning environment to learn all about the wonders of space with a 360 degree immersive experience. We learnt…
Science Sounds Fun in Year 1
As part of British Science Week Year 1 had a scientific enquiry based on this year’s theme of ‘Connections’. We learnt how sound travels in ‘sound waves’. We created cup and string telephones. We investigated if sound could travel along the string to send a message. We started with measuring…