Today Year 1 welcomed Mrs O’Neil into class. Mrs O’Neil is a cleaner in our school and is also an aunt of one of the children in the class.  In R.E. we are learning about who is in our parish family and the roles people play. Mrs O’Neil explained the difference between doing a paid job and job that you volunteer for. We found out that Mrs O’Neil enjoys volunteering as it gives her joy helping the church and other people.  Mrs O’Neil brought photographs to show the different groups that she has been involved in within the parish and also the good work of others.  Mrs Quinn who is also a cleaner in school, along with her husband, raise money in the parish to help those less fortunate in Vietnam by giving them food and clothes.  Mrs O’Neil is also a member of the church choir which is an important part of the parish as the hymns they sing are a form of worship, give people comfort and spread joy.  We all really enjoyed learning about how important it is to volunteer to help others.  From this talk Year 1 also realised that Mrs Murphy and Mrs Stead are volunteers within our parish family who come in to class to help with our learning. We thank you Mrs O’Neil and the parish family for everything you do.