Moving up to Year 1
Reception had a fantastic morning in Year 1. They enjoyed meeting Mrs Bond, Mrs Robson and Mrs Benn. They had a great time exploring the classroom and getting to know their new teachers.
Library Bus Fun in Year 1
Year 1 had a fantastic time visiting the Library bus. We enjoyed listening to a story from Claire the Librarian and choosing new books for class.
Move Up Day to Year 2 2024
Year 1 went to spend the morning in Year 2 getting to know their new teachers and classroom. The children listened to a reading of the story called ‘The Dot’ by Peter Reynolds and sang the song about it. They thought about how the character thought he couldn’t do something but it turned out that…
Fantastic Phonics in Year 1
We are delighted to celebrate our fantastic phonics screening results. All the children have worked incredibly hard to prepare. Thank you to our parents for all their support at home. Everyone received a certificate and a treat. Well done Year 1 superstars.
Buzzing About Bees in Year 1
There was definitely a buzz in Year 1 today with a fantastic visit from ‘Bees in the Trees’. Year 1 were amazed to get up close to the hive and observe the worker bees. They found out about the different roles bees play within the hive as they work together. Male bees in the hive are called…
Sports Day 2024
Congratulations to the Blue Team for winning Sports Day 2024. A huge well done to all the children who took part in our races. All the teams showed exceptional teamwork, determination and competitiveness!
Drumming with Zozo
Year 1 enjoyed their final drumming lesson with Zozo. They celebrated all their new drumming skills and progress they have made together. Zozo told more magical stories that involved interaction with movement. They enjoyed learning more African songs and playing games together. Year 1 have…
Euro Sweep in Year 1
Year 1 are gearing up for The UEFA European Football Championship. They held a sweepstake in class and everyone has been given a country. Year 1 enjoyed finding out about the different flags countries have. They will now look forward to seeing who gets all the way to the final.
Ordinal Numbers in Year 1 June 2024
As part of their maths work on position and direction, Year 1 have been looking at ordinal numbers. They had great fun taking part in different races and working out the position they came in. What an active maths lesson that was!
Walk to School Week 2024
A huge well done to all the children who walked, cycled or scooted to school this week as part of Walk to School Week. Keep up the great effort and remember it’s never too late to start active travel.
Vegetable Kebabs in Year 1
The Year 1 Chefs have been busy again cooking up a storm with some delicious ‘Vegetable Kebabs’. The children used their knife skills to cut the veg into chunky pieces suitable for going on the skewers. The chefs explored how a marinade is created to add flavour. They created a marinade using…
Wild About Wildlife in Year 1
Year 1 had a fantastic day visiting The Lake District Wildlife Park in Bassenthwaite. They were given a workshop by Lucy to learn about animal classification and conservation. Then there was time to explore the different animal enclosures around the park. Particular favourites were the lemurs,…