Reception at Lowther Castle
Reception went with Year 1 and 2 on our end of year trip to Lowther Castle. We played on slides, climbing frames, zip wires and even climbing nets. We wore our waterproofs as the weather was a little bit wet, but we still had a great time and even an outdoor picnic.
Reception athletes
As part of our gymnastics and athletes sessions with our sports coach, the children have been learning how to throw, hit and catch a ball. They have been learning how to throw under arm and over arm and catch a ball with one hand and two hands. They also learnt how to hit a ball along the floor…
Move up Day
Reception had a lovely morning in Year 1. We learnt where everything is in our new class. We loved playing in our new yard. Mrs Robson and Mrs Benn are looking forward to seeing you all in September.
St Bee’s beach trip in Reception
Reception finished their topic of ‘Commotion in the Ocean’ with a visit to St Bee’s beach. We looked at what a beach looks like now compared to past photos we have been looking at. The children played on the beach, looked for shells and pebbles and even found some crabs in the crab pools. We then…
Problem solving in Reception
In Reception we have been learning how to problem solve including problems such as what material will build the longest bridge, which animals will not make the boat sink and how to build Mr Gumpy’s motor car. The children read the story, ‘Mr Gumpy’s motor car’ and planned and built it outside…
EYFS Sports Day 2023 Nur
Reception and Nursery took part in our EYFS Sports Day. They all took part in 5 races, a running race, jumping race, backwards race, hoop race and an egg and spoon race. The children made all the staff very proud and all had lots of fun! Thank you to everyone who came to watch, the weather even…
EYFS Sports Day 2023
Reception and Nursery took part in our EYFS Sports Day. They all took part in 5 races, a running race, jumping race, backwards race, hoop race and an egg and spoon race. The children made all the staff very proud and all had lots of fun! Thank you to everyone who came to watch, the weather even…
Gymnastics sessions with a coach
This half term Reception have gymnastics sessions with a coach. So far we have learnt how to do a forward roll, a long roll and different gymnastics poses such as tuck, straddle and star. We have also been learning how to safely use apparatus. Lots of great skills to learn ready for Year 1.
Author visits Year 2 and Reception
Year 2 and Reception were visited by the author and illustrator Sean Perkins who came to share his new book ‘Oscar and Ben The Birthday Party.’ The children were gripped from the beginning until the end, joining in with repeated refrains and rhymes as well as chuckling at the humorous parts. They…
Our visit from an author
An author called Sean Perkins came to visit us in school and shared his book called, ‘Oscar and Ben and the Birthday Party’. He shared the story, sang a song and taught the children how to draw one of the cat characters. The children loved the story and some even bought a signed copy of the book.
Threading and sewing in Reception
In Reception we have been learning the new skill of threading with a needle and cotton. The children were supported to thread the cotton onto the needle and they then made a pattern on the square by threading the needle in and out. They were very good at making sure the needle did not fall off the…
KIDZFIT in Reception
Our Reception class took part in a fitness session with KIDZFIT and learnt how we can stay fit and healthy and how important exercise it. We were learning how to use our muscles in different parts of our body and how we need to look after ourselves. The children did lots of exercise and learnt…