Dancing with scarves in Reception
In Reception we have been learning to move using our feelings. How would you move if you were happy, excited, sad or angry? We then played some different types of music and the children moved using scarves to enhance their movements. There were high and low movements and fast and slow movements.…
Fencing in Reception
In Reception we had the opportunity to have a fencing session with a coach. The children learnt different skills including team work and wearing protective clothing. They had a great time and said they really enjoyed fencing.
Celebrating Bonfire night
Reception celebrated Bonfire night by learning about why we celebrate with fireworks on the 5th of November. We had a few small fireworks with Nursery and then Reception had some sparklers. We knew how to be safe after learning about firework and sparkler safety.
Pumpkin soup
After reading the story, ‘Pumpkin Soup’ the children drew their favourite character, either the cat, squirrel or duck. We then talked about what feeling they showed in certain parts of the story, was it angry, sad, happy, excited or scared? The children included this on their picture and then…
Number hunting
In Reception we have been learning how to find, subitise and represent numbers. We went on a number hunt around school, looking for any numbers we could find. The children found them on the big yard, on classroom doors, on the lockers, clocks and the door codes. At the end the children could then…
Spooky time in Reception
We had a spooky day in Reception where the children dressed in their best spooky costumes for some scary fun! We had skeletons, witches and even Frankenstein. We made potions and spells and did some spooky dancing too. The children had lots of fun.
Reception PE in Autumn 1
This half term in PE, Reception have been learning about different ways of moving, such as crawling, rolling, walking and jogging. We then learnt how to use different equipment and move around the hall with it. The children used a bean bag, a large football and a tennis ball. They learnt how to…
Giving directions using Beebots
In Computing we have been learning about giving directions using Beebots. The children were shown how to use the Beebot buttons to move forwards, backwards, left and right. The children then pressed the buttons to direct the Beebot around the mat. We had to remember to press the ‘X’ button to…
Run, run as fast as you can…
After reading the story of, ‘The Gingerbread Man’ the children made their own gingerbread people. We mixed all the ingredients together to make the dough, then rolled it out and cut out the gingerbread shapes with cutters. We then put them in the oven, but they tried to escape! Luckily we caught…
Autumn crafting in Reception
This half term in Reception we have been learning about the season of Autumn. The children brought in lots of Autumn things they had found at home such as leaves, conkers, acorns and pine cones and it was set up in a messy tray for children to explore using magnifying glasses. The children also…
Music instruments in Reception
We have been learning to play musical instruments in Reception such as shakers, bells, wooden blocks and triangles. The children were taught the signals to play the instruments loud and quiet and fast and slow. We then played the instruments along with singing our favourite Nursery rhymes.
Kindness in Reception
In Reception we have been learning about kindness after reading the story of, ‘I’m almost always kind’. We talked about what kind things we could do for each other, such as sharing, being a good friend, saying something nice to another person and being helpful. During a whole class session the…