Football Club
Years 3 & 4 enjoy Football Club every Tuesday after school. As well keeping fit, they have all improved key skills and grown in confidence.
Phunky Fit with Key Stage 1
In the first Phunky Fit club the Year 1 and 2 children made fruit and yogurt granola pots. Everyone tried some fruit they were unfamiliar with and decided which fruit they would add to make their pot. The children cut the fruit then topped it with some yogurt and granola. The fruit and yogurt…
Y3/4 football
A fabulous effort from our year 3/4 footballers today. They were up against some tough competition but still played brilliantly! They all showed good sportsmanship and we were very proud of them! Thank you to our governors Mr. Stead and Mr. Murphy for coming along and supporting…
Year 5
We really enjoyed our football and netball session with Mr Green.
Football Club
Years 3 & 4 have been improving their football skills during Football Club after school.
Year 5 build their football skills
Year 5 enjoyed practising their football skills with Mr Green. Ball control was amazing. Well done Year 5!
Judo in Year 1
We are continuing to enjoy our Judo lessons and are enhancing our skills as the weeks go by.
Reception made the most of the sunshine on Wednesday and went outside for P.E. They showed good teamsmanship while playing multiskills games.
Year 2 Gymnastics
Year 2 have been learning how to balance and jump in gymnastics this morning in preparation for their competition.
KS2 X-Country
Well done to all our x-country runners who took part in difficult conditions. A lot of resilience and determination was shown!
Y5 Football with Stuart Green
Year 5 have thoroughly enjoyed their football with Mr Green. They played lots of games and focused skills.
Year 5 100 Mile Challenge
Year 5 began their 100 mile challenge with Mr Blanks and aim to do a mile each day. Year 5 will be really fit by the end!