Year 5 100 Mile Challenge
Year 5 began their 100 mile challenge with Mr Blanks and aim to do a mile each day. Year 5 will be really fit by the end!
Year 3 100 Mile Challenge
Year 3 enjoyed starting the 100 mile challenge with the help of Mr Blanks.
Reception Mile a Day Challenge
Reception made an excellent start to their Mile a Day Challenge. They showed great determination and spirit with all children running nonstop for five minutes. Let’s see how many miles they can do this school year!
Year 1 Judo
Year 1 have had a great afternoon learning Judo skills. We even learned how to roll in a safe way. We were very excited for this lesson and are already looking forward to next week.
Year 1 100 mile challenge
Mr Blanks came into school today to launch our 100 mile challenge. Year 1 enjoyed running our mile and are very excited to take this challenge on.
Y4 100 Mile Challenge
Y4 started their 100 mile challenge today with Mr. Blanks leading the way! 1 down 99 to go!
Y6 Mile a Day Challenge Launch
Year 6 showed off their athleticism and enthusiasm with Mr Blanks on the yard today. They are aiming to run/power walk a mile every single day to get fit in our whole school Mile A Day Challenge. 100 miles in a 100 days......easy!
Year 2 100 Mile Challenge
Year 2 rose to the 100 Miles Challenge this morning by running their first mile. Mr Blanks joined us to help with setting a sensible pace without stopping and to give us advice on running techniques. Now to see who can run 100 miles over the coming year!
Y4 Gymnastics
Year 4 enjoyed their first gymnastics session today, revisiting old skills and learning lots of new ones.