Year 2 Cartwheels
In gymnastics today, Year 2 were learning how to do cartwheels safely.
First gymnastics session
Reception took part in their first gymnastics session today. They learned how to perform some of the basic moves and shapes such as the star, pencil, pike, straddle and the forward roll.
Year 5 enjoyed improving ther cricket skills with Chad to help them. It was a lovely sunny day!
Y4 cricket
Y4 enjoyed their first session of cricket with Chad today. They learnt how to react quickly to instructions, how to bowl and finished off with a fun game of Quick Cricket!
Mile a Day
This afternoon Year 3, Year 6 and Reception enjoyed running our Mile a Day togther! It’s amazing how it makes us all feel better and great to see everyone improving. Let’s keep it up!
Cyclewise 2019
Year 5 began their safe cycling training on Monday. Following the confidence checks on the playground; children went out on the road. The weather did not beat them on Tuesday but it did on Wednesday!
Y3 Gymnastics
Year 3 have been working really hard in our gymnastics sessions. We have been learning to create sequences and to do backwards rolls. We have been trying hard to keep our bodies stretched and in nice strong lines.
Let’s dance!
This half term Reception are working on learning some basic dance moves. Today’s lesson had some challenging combinations in them but this did not stop the children from trying their best throughout.
In our gymnastics today we have been learning how to safely travel and jump. We have also been working on landing on 2 feet and finishing with finesse.
Year 5 do indoor P.E.
Year 5 enjoyed team building games indoors with Mr Green.
Y5/6 Indoor Athletics
Y5/6 enjoyed taking part in Indoor Athletics today. They did a range of events including javelin, long jump, triple jump, vertical jump and chest push as well as a variety of running events! Well done for excellent team spirit!