Image of Year3 explore the soil - Is it just dirt?
19 January 2022

Year3 explore the soil - Is it just dirt?

During our study of rocks we have been considering how soil is made and what it is made of. We had a close look at the different layers within the soil and used sieves and magnifying glasses to see what we could find in it. We found lots of unexpected creatures and dug deep to reveal sand and…

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Image of Year 5 4 Figure Grid References
3 December 2021

Year 5 4 Figure Grid References

Year 5 have been learning how to write 4 figure grid references and how to use them. They used their skills to find exact locations of different places.

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Image of Wild Rivers Field Trip 3 (2021)
2 December 2021

Wild Rivers Field Trip 3 (2021)

We all had a go at pond dipping. We disturbed the riverbed to release invertebrates then captured a sample of the water so that we could make observations of any living organisms. We then used the scale to determine how fresh and unpolluted the water in the River Ehen is. 

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Image of Wild Rivers Field Trip 2 (2021)
2 December 2021

Wild Rivers Field Trip 2 (2021)

We made very detailed observations of a section of the River Ehen so that we could make a technical drawing of the area using map symbols. 

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Image of Wild Rivers Field Trip 1 (2021)
2 December 2021

Wild Rivers Field Trip 1 (2021)

We had to make a river using only the natural materials that could be found lying on the ground. We then had to include as many features as we could and label our river. There was lots of discussion using all the technical vocabulary we have been learning in school. 

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Image of Wild Rivers Field Trip 2021
2 December 2021

Wild Rivers Field Trip 2021

It was a beautiful crisp cold, sunny morning at Ennerdale. Year 4 were set various challenges to complete within their group, including finding invertebrates living on land, then had to take photographic evidence of their success. Some of the challenges were very difficult to…

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Image of Wild about Rivers
30 November 2021

Wild about Rivers

Year 4 have had a productive morning applying and reinforcing their knowledge about rivers. They have been learning about the rivers in our locality and about the importance of protecting it has a habitat. 

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Image of Research in Geography
21 September 2021

Research in Geography

In Year 2 the children are beginning to learn about the features in their local area. In today’s lesson the children used iPads to access a non-fiction text to research what human features are. They found a range of features including some that they would find locally.


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Image of Exploring the geography of Egremont
6 July 2021

Exploring the geography of Egremont

Year 2 have spent much of this year learning about physical and human features in their geography lessons. Today they went on a walk around Egremont to explore the many features it has and use their knowledge to identify the type of features they are. The children even found time for a spot of…

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Image of Y1 Celebrate Chinese New Year
12 February 2021

Y1 Celebrate Chinese New Year

Year 1 have enjoyed learning all about Chinese New Year. We researched about the traditions, enjoyed making lanterns and  writing instructions. We even managed some Kung Fu P.E. and learnt how to say "Hello". Amelia found out how to write her name in Chinese and then we all had a go. Great work…

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Image of Y5 Biomes
29 January 2021

Y5 Biomes

Y5 created dioramas to show their understanding of the world’s biomes.


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Image of Y6 Geography Home Learning
21 January 2021

Y6 Geography Home Learning

Year 6 have started a new Geography topic about Mountains, Volcanoes and Earthquakes. The children have created diagrams to show the 4 layers of the earth and what they are made from. Excellent learning going on at home! 


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