Nursery: Colour Mixing ‘The Three Little Pigs’
This week we have been reading the story of ‘The Three Little Pigs’. Inspired by our story we have been exploring colour mixing in the Creative Area and have used the colours red and white to make pink. Then we used our pink hands to make hand prints and turn them into one of the three little…
Year 1 Library Visit
This afternoon Year One visited Egremont Library. We enjoyed finding out all about the library, sharing books, choosing a book to borrow and listening to some exciting stories read by Mrs Bond. We really enjoyed looking at all the wonderful books and are very excited to read our new books when we…
Year 4 Haiku Performances
Year 4 have been writing their own haikus this week. We have edited and then performed them to the class, using intonation, emphasis and expression.
Nursery: Goldilocks and the Three Bears
This week in Nursery we have been exploring the story of ‘Goldilocks and the Three Little Bears’
We have been making the three bears using different clothing puzzle pieces. We loved changing their outfits!
Nursery Book Bus Visit
Some of our younger Nursery children enjoyed a visit to the book bus yesterday afternoon.
They listened to a lovely story before choosing some books to bring back to Nursery and share with everyone.
Library Bus Fun in Year 1
Year 1 had a fantastic time visiting the Library bus. We enjoyed listening to a story from Claire the Librarian and choosing new books for class.
Fantastic Phonics in Year 1
We are delighted to celebrate our fantastic phonics screening results. All the children have worked incredibly hard to prepare. Thank you to our parents for all their support at home. Everyone received a certificate and a treat. Well done Year 1 superstars.
Year 2 SummerReading Challenge Library Visit 2024
Year 2 visited Egremont Library to find out all about how they can join and become involved in the Summer Reading Challenge. Sarah talked to the children about the challenge and got the children to look around the library to find books of different genres. The children were fascinated to see all…
Nursery: The Suitcase Story
This week in Nursery our older children have been reading the story ‘The Suitcase’.
In the story an animal is travelling with his suitcase, and he shares with the others what he has in it.
The children were keen to share what they thought he would have with him and were shocked when he…
Year 6 Library Visit May 2024
Year 6 made their final visit to Egremont Library with their peers from St. Bridget’s today. They demonstrated that they now know how to independently return, renew and borrow new books from their local library; skills that will prove invaluable as they move to their next stage of education.
Year 4 Library Visit
Year 4 had a lovely afternoon visiting Egremont Library. The children enjoyed choosing their own books to borrow and then we finished off our visit by reading our class Novel - Varjak Paw.
Year 4 Library Visit
Year 4 had a lovely afternoon visiting Egremont Library. The children enjoyed choosing their own books to borrow and then we finished off our visit by reading our class Novel - Varjak Paw.