Year 4 Literary Event at St Bees School
In Year 4 this week, we have attended a literary event at St Bees School where we have taken part in a carousel of engaging workshops. We met local author, H.M Sharpe, who guided us along the tale of an Irish princess through drama and improvisation. We took part in book journaling and collage,…
Water Cycle Collage
Year 2 have been reading ‘The Rhythm of the Rain’ by Grahame Baker-Smith in their reading lessons. They found out what the cycle is and have made a paper plate collage to show this.
Year 2 Celebrate World Book Day 2025
All the children looked amazing in their outfits for World Boik Day with some children dressing as characters in books or simply dressing in their pyjamas or non-uniform. They thoroughly enjoyed joining up with Year 5 to share books together and listen to each other read. What a wonderful way to…
World Book Day 2025
What fun everyone has had today on World Book Day! Everyone came to dressed up as a character from a book or wore their pyjamas to school. Each class has celebrated the joy of reading today in different ways then paired with another class to share a book.
World Book Day Y6 2025
For World Book Day 2025, Y6 dressed up as a character from a book or came to school wearing their pyjamas. In the morning, we joined a nationwide quiz run by the Literacy Trust. Lots of footballers from different clubs joined in by sharing their love of reading and posing a question for us all to…
Year 5 World Book Day 2025
Year 5 had a really busy day for World Book Day! We visited the library to pick out a book and enjoyed some quiet time reading it. We launched our new book, "The Boy in the Tower” and listened to the 1st two chapters where Ade describes what he can see from his tower block window. We then drew…
Reception World Book Day
Today the Reception children had the pleasure of sharing a book with the Year 6 children. They’ve all thoroughly enjoyed the afternoon, sharing stories and lots of giggles.
Nursery World Book Day 2025
Nursery have loved celebrating world book day today! We came to school dress up as our favourite character and enjoyed sharing a story with Year 4.
Y1 World Book Day Shared Family Read
Today Year 1 celebrated World Book Day by inviting our families in for story time. After enjoying a whole class story everyone shared books together. It was amazing to see everyone reading for pleasure. Thank you to all our families for coming to join us.
Mr Wolf’s pancakes
After reading the story of ‘Mr Wolf’s pancakes’ in English this week, we had our own pancakes with jam or chocolate on them. We thought the story was very funny, when the wolf gobbled up all the characters and then the pancakes too!
Library Visit Y6 12.02.25
Year 6 visited their local library this afternoon to return the book(s) they withdrew on their last visit and to choose a new book. They are becoming very independent at using the library systems.
Nursery: Letter formation
This week in Nursery we have had a go at using the paint program on mini mash to practice our letter formation. The children had a go at looking for the first letter of their name before having a go and writing it.
we had lots of fun using the iPad and paint program to practise!