Year 3 Performance Poetry 2024
Year 3 have been using actions and intonation to perform poetry.
Father Christmas and Mrs Claus Visit Year 5
Today, Year 5 had a delightful surprise visit from Father Christmas, Mrs. Claus, and their elves. They brought presents for every child and awarded Troy a prize for winning the "If I Was a Christmas Elf for One Day" poetry competition. We all had a fantastic time singing along to "Jingle…
Year 4 Christmas Theatre Trip
This week, Year 4 enjoyed a fabulous Christmas treat at Theatre By The Lake in Keswick to watch a performance of The Jungle Book. We loved the show, clapped along to the songs and were on the edge of our seats during the action scenes!
Year 1 at the Pantomime 2024
A wonderful time was had by all the Infants watching the pantomime ‘Aladdin’ at the Carnegie Theatre & Arts Centre. The children and adults laughed and shouted from the start to the finish. What a fantastic way to start the Christmas festivities!
Reception at the Pantomime 2024
A wonderful time was had by all the Infants watching the pantomime ‘Aladdin’ at the Carnegie Theatre & Arts Centre. The children and adults laughed and shouted from the start to the finish. What a fantastic way to start the Christmas festivities!
Year 2 at the Pantomime 2024
A wonderful time was had by all the Infants watching the pantomime ‘Aladdin’ at the Carnegie Theatre & Arts Centre. The children and adults laughed and shouted from the start to the finish. What a fantastic way to start the Christmas festivities!
Year 3 visit to the Theatre by the Lake
We had a fantastic time at the theatre yesterday. We watched the magical show ‘The Jungle Book’, enjoyed ice-cream during the interval and had lunch just before we got on the bus. The actors were amazing and there were even a few puppets involved. It was great and people commented about how well…
Performance Poetry in Y6 Nov 2024
Year 6 have been studying the Remembrance poem ‘For the Fallen’ by Laurence Binyon as part of their writing lessons. At the end of the unit, they chose a verse to learn by heart and performed it. They practised speaking rhythmically, varying the volume and intonation of their voices. They also…
Year 5 Visit the Library Van
Year 5 visited the Library Van yesterday to choose some books for our class library. They all enjoyed browsing through the selection of books on offer and reading the blurb to see if was interesting. We now have a fresh set of books for the children to read in class.
Reception Library bus visit
Reception got the chance to visit the library bus this week and choose and share some books together, as well as choosing some books for us to read in class. They also got to have a story time session.
Year 2 Library Visit October 2024
Year 2 visited Egremont Library today to exchange books and choose a new book to take home. They had great fun looking at the different types of books available and shared them with each other. The visit ended with a storytime session by Miss McKendrey. The children thoroughly enjoyed listening to…
Year 5 Library Visit
Year 5 enjoyed visiting the library this morning.They all enjoyed listening to a story then got to chose a book to read. They learnt the importance of reading the blurb to check it is a book they would be interested in. If they weren’t they put the book back in the correct way with the spine…