Y2 Engineers in Science Week 2025
Year 2 have been finding out how engineers play an important role in the world of science. They listened to the story of The Three Little Pigs and were tasked with building a house strong enough that the big, bad wolf could not blow down. They worked together in teams of three or four to build…
Year 3 Science Week Engineers 2025
Year 3 celebrated Science Week by becoming engineers. They planned and carried out a STEM project to build a bridge for the 3 Billy Goat Gruffs to use to get across the river and avoid the troll. They had 3 heavy goats to support and 10 minutes to create it. They all made it. In fact, all bridges…
Muncaster Castle Trip 2025
What a fantastic day we’ve all had at Muncaster Castle. We enjoyed a wonderful owl display with the owls swooping right over our heads. Badger the owl was the favourite for many of the children and the highlight of the day. We also explored some weaponry, enjoyed a walk through the stunning…
Nursery: The Three Billy Goats Gruff Bridge Building
To celebrate and enjoy Science week Nursery read the story of The Three Billy Goats Gruff. The challenge that was set was to have a go at building a bridge that the goats could use to cross the river.
All our children throughly enjoyed using the outdoor equipment to make different bridges. The…
Nursery Planting Seeds 2025
Last week in Nursery we had a go at planting some seeds.
We learnt that seeds need soil, sun and water to grow. Lots of children had a guess at what colours flower the seeds would grow into by looking at the seed packets.
We were all very pleased when we came into Nursery on Monday to find…
Y2 Visit Strudda Bank Farm March 2025
Year 2 went to visit Strudda Bank Farm as part of Science Week. Farmer Kev and Farmer Vicky told them about the importance of farms in the food chain and were able to handle the many foods that are created from each grain. Then they showed the children around the farm and introduced them to the…
Year 3 take part in the Biggest ever football event 2025
Year 3 teamed up with year 4 to enjoy football matches and a penalty shoot out. It was so much fun!
Nursery Biggest Ever Football Session
Nursery have loved playing football today! We practised kicking the ball in different directions and tried scoring some goals.
Year 2 Celebrate World Book Day 2025
All the children looked amazing in their outfits for World Boik Day with some children dressing as characters in books or simply dressing in their pyjamas or non-uniform. They thoroughly enjoyed joining up with Year 5 to share books together and listen to each other read. What a wonderful way to…
Earth and Space Workshop in Year 5
Year 5 had an exciting science workshop yesterday led by Alex, a physics graduate. They learned about the Earth's rotation around the sun and how it spins on its axis, which causes day and night as well as the seasons. At the same time, the moon rotates around the Earth. To help us understand…
Year 5 World Book Day 2025
Year 5 had a really busy day for World Book Day! We visited the library to pick out a book and enjoyed some quiet time reading it. We launched our new book, "The Boy in the Tower” and listened to the 1st two chapters where Ade describes what he can see from his tower block window. We then drew…
Nursery World Book Day 2025
Nursery have loved celebrating world book day today! We came to school dress up as our favourite character and enjoyed sharing a story with Year 4.