Year 3 Dance
Year 3 had so much fun creating different types of dances and learning new moves.
Year 3 enjoy The Roman Senhouse Museum
Year 3 had a wonderful time at the Roman Senhouse Museum at Maryport. They got to see the remains of a real Roman Fort and view look out posts. They were introduced to our new history topic for next half term in a fun and interactive way. Within the museum, they saw Roman remains that were over…
Nursery Pirate hat Show and Tell
This week in Nursery we had a special Show and Tell session.
We have been learning a lot about pirates, what they look like, what they do, how they travel, as well as reading lots of stories about pirates. Our favourites include ‘Pirates love Underpants’ and ‘The Night Pirates’. We learnt that…
Keeping fit by practising maintaining a constant pace for a mile after some running drills to develop good posture and range of motion.
The Digestive System Y4
Lots of fun was had when Year 4 used everyday items to construct the digestive system. Do you know how long it takes for food to travel through your digestive system?
Reception multi skills
This half term Reception have had a multi skills sports coach. We have been learning how to control a ball by throwing and catching it. We have also been improving our under arm and over arm throwing by trying to throw bean bags into a hoop.
Walk To School Week 2022
It was great to see so many children walking to and from school this week and collecting Street Tags along the way!
Taking away in Reception
In Maths we have been learning how to take away. The children have used the bus game, where you put a number of people on the bus and then take them away at each bus stop. They then wrote take away calculations and used the bus and people to work out the answers. Super Maths Reception!
Meerkat Mail
Year 1 loved meeting the Meerkats from Pet Encounters. In English we have been reading Meerkat Mail by Emily Gravett. Being able to get up to close to the Meerkats helped Year 1 develop their understanding about the animals. In English we have explored writing in character as Sunny the Meerkat.…
KS1 Construction Club
Construction Club meet on Thursdays 3-4pm. Each week we have a new challenge to design and make. We can choose to work in partners, teams or individually. We enjoy modifying our designs to improve them. We all have lots of fun. If you enjoy being creative come along.
Rocking & Rolling
Year 4 have been ‘rocking and rolling’ numbers live with Baz each morning. We even got a shout out!
Flying to the Moon 2022
On Friday in Nursery we flew to the moon, just like in our story ‘Whatever next!’.
We gathered our teddy bears, climbed into our rocket and counted down for take off!
When we took off into space we saw lots of stars and some of the planets we have been learning about.
As we landed on the moon,…