Y1 Amazing Art
In our Textiles lessons we have been learning to attach materials in different ways and add colour, pattern and texture.
Marvellous Measuring in Year 1
Today we have been learning about measuring length. We have been using non-standard measures like cubes, paper clips, rubbers and hands. We have measured objects around our classroom using cubes. We had lots of fun counting the cubes to find out the length and we even measured a row of tables!
Year 5 Phunky Foods Ambassadors
Year 5 Phunky Foods Ambassadors gave an assembly today all about food waste. We learnt that everyday in the UK we throw away 24 million slices of bread, 5.9 million glasses of milk and 5.8 million potatoes. Our Ambassadors would like us all to try and waste less food by only serving up what we can…
Y1 Forest School Fun
Into the woods for more fantastic learning experiences with Mia our Forest School Leader. We enjoyed creating our own necklaces. We used tools to create the hole for the string to go through. We explored climbing trees and had great fun playing group games. This week we saw lots of progress with…
Y1 Wonder in the Wonder Dome
Year 1 enjoyed a fascinating and fun interactive Planetarium Show in the Wonder Dome. It showed Year 1 how wonderful and intriguing the universe is. The Wonder Dome created a magical learning environment to learn all about the wonders of space with a 360 degree immersive experience. We learnt…
Science Sounds Fun in Year 1
As part of British Science Week Year 1 had a scientific enquiry based on this year’s theme of ‘Connections’. We learnt how sound travels in ‘sound waves’. We created cup and string telephones. We investigated if sound could travel along the string to send a message. We started with measuring…
Year 3 Scientists shine a light!
Year 3 Scientists had a great time investigating “How do shadows Shante as the light source gets closer and further away? “
Using a torch and an apple they discovered that the closer the light source, the bigger the shadow. They then changed their independent variables to learn what happened…
Y6 Dissolving Investigation
To mark British Science week, Y6 created a science investigation to discover the rate at which solids would dissolve in liquids. They worked in groups and discussed the different types of variables which would affect their investigation. They recognised and predicted that hot water would help…
Science Day in Nursery
We have loved investigating gloop this week! we have used different amounts of cornstarch and water to creat different gloop textures. Some gloop felt watery and other gloop went very sticky.
We also had a go at a lava lamp experiment! For this we used oil, water and dropped…
Astronomer Visits Year 5
To enhance Year 5’s learning on ‘Earth and Space’ they had a talk from an amateur astronomer. They learnt all about star constellations, nebulas, supernovas and the planets. Mr. Hunt told them about the different types of telescopes you can use to study the sky at night and why we are lucky to…
Year 5 Saint Patrick’s Day
Year 5 went to church this morning to celebrate their class saint St. Patrick. Father Groody told us that St. Patrick was actually born within our own parish at Ravenglass in about the year 400 before he moved to Ireland. We finished the service with a wonderful rendition of ‘Hail Glorious Saint…
Year 5 Science Investigation
Year 5 carried out an investigation to see if they could make a sturdy structure out of uncooked spaghetti and marshmallows. They discovered that the more triangles they included in their structure the stronger and less wobbly it was. They also learnt about what STEM means and what jobs require…