A Party Fit for a King
Year 1 celebrated in royal style. We enjoyed making our own crowns to wear at our street party. We decorated ourselves with Union Jack face paints and tattoos. We bounced till we dropped and finished off with an ice cream or ice lolly. Having our lunch with all the classes joined together…
Coronation celebrations in Reception
For the Coronation of the King celebrations in Reception we had a red, white and blue party. We had face painting, tattoos and crown making. The children also had an ice cream and time to dance and go on the bouncy castle. We had a great day and even had our picture taken as King Charles.
Coronation celebrations in Nursery
What a fantastic day we have had celebrating the King’s Coronation! We have jumped on the bouncy castle, eaten ice cream and enjoyed a picnic lunch with some of our teddy bears! We have also enjoyed face painting Union Jack flags and decorating biscuits too!
Year3 Coronation Celebration!!
We looked so patriotic on Friday, wearing red, white and blue. We had a day of fun and celebrations in honour of our new king. Celebrating the Coronation in style, having ice cream with King Charles III. This was followed with bouncy castle time, a picnic lunch, live music, cricket, making crowns…
Swimming Gala
Yesterday Y5/6 representatives took part in the Copeland Schools Swimming Gala. They all had a great time completing races in the four main strokes as well as relay events, underwater swimming, diving, jumping, sculling, collecting sinkers and even a running race. They all showed fantastic…
Y5 Working Scientifically
Year 5 used chopsticks to move cubes of jelly from one pate to another. The jelly cubes were the covered in cooking oil and the test was repeated. They had to work out how the oil changed the effect of the friction.
Reception visit from the police
Reception joined Nursery to go and meet some police officers. They came to talk to us about what it is like to work for the police. They also brought lots of police hats and uniforms and talked about what role each of the uniforms were for. The children had a chance to dress up. They even brought…
Police visit to Nursery
In Nursery we have been learning about people who help us. We have talked a lot about police, fire fighters, doctors, and teachers being people who can help us in different ways. Teachers can help us learn and doctors can help us when we feel poorly.
This morning we were very lucky to have a…
Electrical Circuits
Today Year 4 have been using their knowledge notes to build an electrical circuit. Throughout the task, they worked collaboratively and used lots of scientific vocabulary to ensure they assembled their circuits correctly.
Mile a Day
Year 4 have been experimenting with pace. They are trying to find what their endurance pace is so that they can comfortably run continuously over the distance of a mile.
Our class saint, St George
In Reception our class saint is St George. On the week of his feast day, the children learnt about St George and his life. They then made an England flag, which is the flag that represents him.
Introduction to cricket
Year 2 had their first cricket session with the cricket coach, Matthew. He introduced them to bowling, fielding and batting. They will continue to develop all of these skills over the coming weeks. The children thoroughly enjoyed their lesson and cannot wait to learn more next week.