Summer Term Library Visit
Year 4 visited their local library this morning. They were able to return or renew their books from their last visit. Next they perused the shelves and chose a book to withdraw and take home to read. Some children found it difficult to choose because there were so many fabulous books to choose…
Y6 Art inspired by Terry Gilecki
Year 6 have been studying the work of Terry Gilecki, an artist who is well known for his love of water and koi carp. The children experimented with the effects that can be achieved by adding salt to a surface painted with watercolour. They used a range of materials and methods to apply paint and…
Year 2 Whitehaven museums trip
In Year 2 we are learning about the history of significant people and events in Whitehaven. We spent the morning on a harbour trail with Alan from the Beacon museum. He told us all about the history of the harbour and the mines. The children were very excited to see the sea locks being opened to…
Year 3 celebrate May with their Class Saint - St. Mary
Year 3 have been praying the Rosary during the month of May and wore blue to celebrate their class Saint, St. Mary.
They wrote prayers, prayed the rosary, made miraculous medals to take home and coloured their own St.Mary stained glass window. They learnt about St. Mary and why she was a Saint,…
Year 3/4 Bowlers
Year 3 and 4 walked down to our local bowling green to take part in a bowling competition against other local schools. They had a great time and some became very serious about wanting to win. They were determined! Some of the children were very good at it and wanted to go again, in their own…
Year 3 enjoy their attendance prize for Spring Term.
Year 3 have enjoyed ice cream and a play at the castle today. The sun shone and the ice cream was delicious.
Well done for coming into school even when you are not feeling 100%. Best attendance for Spring Term 1. Let’s try to get it again!!! Summer 2 perhaps?
Sew a Button
Year 4 have been learning how to sew a button and make a button hole. They had to thread a needle and use their fine motor skills to carefully manipulate the needle to sew it onto fabric then create a shank. It was very tricky but they persevered. Well done Year 4!
KidzFit Workshop
Year 3 and 4 enjoyed a fitness session with KidzFit today. We learned lots about the importance of a healthy lifestyle through exercise and diet. We had a go at a range of exercises to raise our heartbeats and test our stamina, agility and resilience. We also learned about the positive effects of…
KidzFit workshop
Year 2 were joined by Year 1 for a KidzFit workshop. The children learned all about how to keep themselves healthy through exercise. The children tested their abilities by taking part in different exercises and monitoring the affect this had on their bodies. What a wonderful time was had by…
Threading and sewing in Reception
In Reception we have been learning the new skill of threading with a needle and cotton. The children were supported to thread the cotton onto the needle and they then made a pattern on the square by threading the needle in and out. They were very good at making sure the needle did not fall off the…
KIDZFIT in Reception
Our Reception class took part in a fitness session with KIDZFIT and learnt how we can stay fit and healthy and how important exercise it. We were learning how to use our muscles in different parts of our body and how we need to look after ourselves. The children did lots of exercise and learnt…
The Little Red Hen make some bread
After reading the story of The Little Red Hen, the children made their own bread. They helped each other to mix the bread flour with the water, unlike the characters in the story. The bread was put in the oven and the children got to take it home when it was still nice and warm. Yummy!