Year 2 Prayer & Liturgy
During Prayer & Liturgy today, Year 2 listened to the story of creation from the Bible and reflected on the wonder of creation then thought about new beginnings in their own lives. They then said a prayer to give thanks for the amazing and precious world we live in.
Nursery's self portraits
This week Nursery have been drawing their own pictures of themselves. They added features such as eyes, a nose, hair and even a mouth. Their pictures are now proudly displayed on our Nursery gallery in the classroom. What young budding artists we have!
Year 2 ‘Material Detectives’
Year 2 became ‘Material Detectives’ this afternoon during science. They enjoyed finding different objects made of different materials. They used lots of scientific vocabulary to describe the properties of the materials.
Prayer and Liturgy
This week Reception are beginning to learn about Jesus during their daily prayer and liturgy time. They have been thinking about who Jesus is and how he is always with us. We thanked Jesus in prayer for this and asked Him to help us learn more about Him. They can’t wait to find out more about…
Reception Mile a Day Challenge
Reception made an excellent start to their Mile a Day Challenge. They showed great determination and spirit with all children running nonstop for five minutes. Let’s see how many miles they can do this school year!
Year 1 Judo
Year 1 have had a great afternoon learning Judo skills. We even learned how to roll in a safe way. We were very excited for this lesson and are already looking forward to next week.
Year 1 100 mile challenge
Mr Blanks came into school today to launch our 100 mile challenge. Year 1 enjoyed running our mile and are very excited to take this challenge on.
Y4 100 Mile Challenge
Y4 started their 100 mile challenge today with Mr. Blanks leading the way! 1 down 99 to go!
Y6 Mile a Day Challenge Launch
Year 6 showed off their athleticism and enthusiasm with Mr Blanks on the yard today. They are aiming to run/power walk a mile every single day to get fit in our whole school Mile A Day Challenge. 100 miles in a 100 days......easy!
Year 2 100 Mile Challenge
Year 2 rose to the 100 Miles Challenge this morning by running their first mile. Mr Blanks joined us to help with setting a sensible pace without stopping and to give us advice on running techniques. Now to see who can run 100 miles over the coming year!
Y4 Gymnastics
Year 4 enjoyed their first gymnastics session today, revisiting old skills and learning lots of new ones.
First week in Year 2
Year 2 have settled in really well into their new class. They have been working hard during their first week. Well done and keep it up!