Image of Y4 maths
27 September 2018

Y4 maths

Y4 have been rounding numbers to the nearest multiple of 10. They enjoyed playing a game in order to practise doing this. 


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Image of Biscuit Maths
27 September 2018

Biscuit Maths

Reception have been working on counting objects with accuracy today. They iced biscuits then decorate them using a given number of sweets. They really enjoyed eating them afterwards.



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Image of Good News in Nursery
27 September 2018

Good News in Nursery

The children read the story of Noah's Arc from the Bible and we talked about good news. They then took home a butterfly template and brought it back into school with good news written on it. We shared this with the class. Some of the good news included helping at home, learning new skills and one…

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Image of Gingerbread Men
27 September 2018

Gingerbread Men

Nursery read the story of The Gingerbread Man and then made their very own gingerbread men with a face and buttons. These ones didn't have a chance to run away as the children gobbled them all up! 

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Image of Ordering objects in Year1
26 September 2018

Ordering objects in Year1

Year 1 have been ordering objects today we made three towers and then our partner had to order them from biggest number to smallest number.


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Image of Year 5 Role Play in RE
26 September 2018

Year 5 Role Play in RE

Year 5 have been considering their call to holiness and the qualities that they should show in order to become closer to God. They studied Colossians 3: 12-17 and identified the qualities that we need to show in order to be holy people. They decided that they needed to be thoughtful of others,…

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Image of Year 5 visit to The Chocolate Factory at Hawshead
25 September 2018

Year 5 visit to The Chocolate Factory at Hawshead

Year 5 thoroughly enjoyed their trip to the Cocoa Bean Factory this week. We have been reading “Charlie and the Chocolate Factory” as a class text in English and studying changes in materials in Science and linked our trip to these topics. We had so much fun making our own chocolate bars, animals…

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Image of Y4 Rivers Workshop
24 September 2018

Y4 Rivers Workshop

Year 4 had a fantastic day today with Becca from West Cumbria Rivers trust. We learnt how to find places on an ordinance survey map and the names of river wildlife in a fun game of ‘Who am I?’ We then did an experiment with soil in different conditions to find out what is ‘good’ and ‘bad’ for…

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Image of Construction Club Moving Monkey
24 September 2018

Construction Club Moving Monkey

We have had a fantastic time tonight making a moving monkey.  We followed 39 instructions to build the monkey and then used a computer to code the movements.  We are already looking forward to making a crocodile next week



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Image of Year 1 Prayer and Liturgy
24 September 2018

Year 1 Prayer and Liturgy

Year 1 children have enjoyed leading our class Prayer and Liturgy today.We focused on being part of God’s family and reflecting on what we like to do with our family.


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Image of Year 2 Gymnastics
24 September 2018

Year 2 Gymnastics

Year 2 have been learning how to balance and jump in gymnastics this morning in preparation for their competition. 

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Image of Year 6 Prayer and Liturgy
21 September 2018

Year 6 Prayer and Liturgy

Year 6 enjoyed taking part in a lovely prayer and liturgy session this morning, planned and led by Ellie and Lexi. Their theme was “Following in God’s Footsteps”. The whole class experienced quiet reflection time in a circle and all the children responded and joined in by lighting a candle and…

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