Nursery's first week
Nursery have had lots of fun this week in our indoor and outdoor provision. They have been playing in our role play house, painting with cotton buds and even having fun outside in the sand tray. By the end of the week they were all very tired, but have settled in super!
First Days in Reception
Our new Reception children are settling well into school. They are thoroughly enjoying exploring all the equipment in the new outdoor play area.
Y4 maths
Year 4 have been learning all the different mathematical words for add, subtract, times and divide. They were amazed how many there were!
Year 3 Prayers
Year 3 enjoyed a lovely return to school yesterday. We had a peaceful afternoon composing and sharing prayers for our new school year and enjoying some quiet moments of contemplation.
Miss Marney’s wedding
We presented Miss Marney with some gifts in the last assembly of the school year. We would like to wish her and her husband-to-be all the very best for their upcoming wedding in the holidays.
Roman project
The pupils in Year 4 have been working on a project at home linked to their topic on Romans. They shared their projects with the whole school in assembly. Their hard work and creativity was clear for everyone to see. Well done!
IDL achievers
Well done girls on achieving another IDL module. Keep up the hard work.
100% attendance
A huge congratulations to all the pupils who achieved 100% attendance. You are a wonderful role model to others. We can’t wait to see who will achieve this in the next school year.
Purple Mash award
Congratulations to the first pupil to complete all levels of Purple Mash coding in Computing lessons.
Pictures from a year in Year 1
We have had an amazing year this year. Here is a look back at all our fun. I hope you all have an amazing summer.
Year 2 Pen Licence
Year 2 have been secretly practising their handwriting with a pen in the hope they earn a pen licence soon after they join Year 3. I think they are already ready for a pen licence. Well done Year 2 for working so hard to write neatly all year.
Year 2 Board Games
This morning, Year 2 enjoyed playing board games with Year 6 who had designed and made the games themselves.