Y1’s Tullie House Visit
Year 1 have had an amazing visit to Tullie House today. We have discovered different kinds of moving toys, explored what toys could be used outside, dressed up and used our imagination and made a toy to take home. We then went to look around the museum and the art gallery before heading home.…
Library visit
Reception went on their first visit to Egremont Library today. The librarian, Anne, showed us all the different types of books we could borrow from the library then she told a very exciting story. All the children had a good browse through the books and chose one to take home and share with their…
Attendance Race Winners!
Congratulations to Y6 who are the overall winners of this half term’s class attendance race. They were delighted to receive a frisby each as a reward. Well done!
Y6 Library Visit
Y6 spent an afternoon at the library today. They returned to school with a selection of books of their choice after enjoying listening to a chapter or two of our class novel - Street Child.
Nursery out having fun in the rain!
Nursery have been having so much fun in the rain over the last few weeks. The children put on their waterproofs and wellies and loved jumping in the puddles and sliding down the slide.
Year 3 Windermere Woodmatters Workhop
Year 3 enjoyed a wonderful day in Windermere. We learnt how to make Stone Age axes using natural resources found around the woodland setting. The trickiest part was cutting the wood to get the axe head in. We were amazed to be allowed to make our own fires! We explored the time line to the Iron…
Y4 World Rivers
Y4 used their topic library books on Rivers to find out facts about world Rivers. They then made information posters to show off all their knowledge!
Y4 Library Visit
Year 4 enjoyed their visit to the library. They listened to a story then picked a book of their choice. They were encouraged to read the blurb first to see if the book would interest them.
Football Club
Years 3 & 4 have been improving their football skills during Football Club after school.
Nursery’s family paintings
Nursery have been painting their families. We had some family members that we have already met and some of the children also used their imagination too. See if you can spot your family!!!
Construction club make a goalie!
Today in construction club we built a goalie and then programmed it to enable it to move from side to side.
Year 5 build their football skills
Year 5 enjoyed practising their football skills with Mr Green. Ball control was amazing. Well done Year 5!