Y6 Microorganism investigation
Today Year 6 carried out an investigation into how microorganisms spread. We had great fun using green paint to represent mucus and exploring the best ways to prevent spreading germs. We found out that washing with soap, warm water and drying carefully was the best way to stop microorganisms from…
The Innkeeper’s Breakfast
Well done year one for two amazing nativity performances not to mention all the hard work they put in to learn lines and dances. A big thank you to everyone who came to watch us and to the parents for the amazing costumes. We are very proud of you all. Merry Christmas x
The captured Elf!
On Tuesday the Elf had been captured by some of the Nursery’s army men and stuck to the board. At least it stopped him from getting up to no good for the day.....
Nursery’s Elf week two
The naughty elf was back in Nursery again on Monday and causing trouble. He had tied up Elsa and jumped onto our reading tent. Luckily Elsa was ok, but maybe she will get her own back this week........
Reception Nativity Play
Today the Reception Children did two performances of their nativity play for families and friends. The play was called ‘Whoops-a-Daisy Angel.’ We are very proud of their singing and dancing. They are all little superstars!
The Kindness Elves. Day 5.
Today the children were very surprised to find the Kindness Elves in the Creative area. They had left some Christmas cards for the Reception children to colour then write their name in. These cards will be given to people in the local community.
Year2 Computing & Art
Year 2 enjoyed using 2Paint a Picture to create their own pieces of art in the style of George-Pierre Seurat who was famous for using the techniques pointillism. The children were very interested in how images could be created by using an arrangement of dots and altering the size, colour, shades…
The Kindness Elves. Day 4.
Today the Kindness Elves asked the Reception children to smile at everyone they see. They smiled at everyone during the dress rehearsal of their nativity play. They kept smiling all day and can’t wait to perform their play for parents and friends next week.
Nursery’s fun outdoors
Our Nursery class love to play outdoors in all weathers. We have waterproofs and wellies to wear or the children can bring their own. Here are some pictures of our fun this week.
Fairy cakes
The children made some fairy cakes for the fairy. They decorated them and left one by her door and the next day it was gone. They took the other cakes home to eat. Yum yum!
Friday’s Elf
Friday’s Elf has been up to no good! He made his own hot air balloon with a pair of Nursey’s underpants and was floating around the classroom. Luckily he can now sleep for the weekend after his long week of mischief, but he will be back on Monday and up to his old…
The Kindness Elves. Day 3.
Today the Kindness Elves left a note to ask the Reception children to give someone a hug and tell them why they love them. The children were able to think of lots of lovely, kind words for their friends.