Image of Phonics Investigation
18 January 2019

Phonics Investigation

In our phonics this week we have been using our detective skills to spot the sounds that go together. We have been sounding them out and seeing how many sounds we could spot hiding in our story.


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Image of Year 2 Keeping Fit
17 January 2019

Year 2 Keeping Fit

Year 2 continue to keep fit by enjoying a Mile a Day in the winter sunshine. They are learning how to pace themselves so they can keep running without stopping and about the importance of stretching after a run.


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Image of Year 5 learn how to multiply and divide by 10, 100 and 1,000
17 January 2019

Year 5 learn how to multiply and divide by 10, 100 and 1,000

Year 5 enjoyed learning how to multiply and divide by 10, 100 and 1,000. 

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Image of Y6 Magistrates Court Visit
17 January 2019

Y6 Magistrates Court Visit

Y6 were invited to visit the Magistrates Court at Workington today to learn about our justice system. They took part in a real court case and even got the chance to look at the cells downstairs. Charlotte (one of the Magistrates) commented that they were the best class she has ever worked…

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Image of Castles session
17 January 2019

Castles session

Reception visited Tullie House for a castles session. They listened to a story about a giant’s castle then went to explore the museum to see if they could find the giant’s cat. There were lots of activities in the classroom for the children to take part in too. They had great fun building castles…

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Image of Year 1 & Year 2 Mile a Day
17 January 2019

Year 1 & Year 2 Mile a Day

Year 1 & Year 3 had a great time this afternoon running their Mile a Day together!  It was wonderful to see how supportive they are of each other particularly the older children caring for the younger ones.  Harry from Year 1 did an awesome job capturing the action on the Class iPad.  Well done to…

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Image of Year 3 Computing
17 January 2019

Year 3 Computing

Before Christmas Year 3 had a visit from Josh who is a former pupil of St. Bridget’s.  He talked to us about his job in the Army and that he would be going to work in Belize.  Today in Computing we decided to use the Internet to research the country to find out where it is in the world.  We made…

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Image of Year 3 Mile a Day Challenge
16 January 2019

Year 3 Mile a Day Challenge

Year 3 have started the New Year with a target of improving our Mile a Day.  We are committed to improving our individual PB’s and encouraging each other to complete it.  We have worked out that 20 laps of the junior playground are equivalent to a mile.  We are working on pacing ourselves to…

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Image of Y3/4 Football
15 January 2019

Y3/4 Football

Y3/4 enjoyed learning new football skills and playing matches at football club today.⚽️⚽️⚽️


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Image of Reception Parent Afternoon
14 January 2019

Reception Parent Afternoon

This afternoon the Reception children took great pride in sharing their learning journeys with parents and family. Then they worked in the provision, outdoors and indoors, to share more learning experiences together.


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Image of Gymnastics in Year One
14 January 2019

Gymnastics in Year One

Year One have enjoyed learning gymnastics today. We looked at different positions for our body to be in and learned the technical names for them.  We are looking forward to learning a routine soon.


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Image of Nursery’s Star of the Week
14 January 2019

Nursery’s Star of the Week

Nursery’s Star of the Week last week was Ava. She has been helping our new children settle in to Nursery and being kind and helpful. 


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