Holy Hour
All classes visited church today for Eucharistic Adoration as part of holy hour in our Year of the Eucharist.
The children spent time with Jesus and enjoyed the beautiful monstrance.
Y4 Egyptian Masks
We have been learning all about Egyptian masks and why they were put on mummies. We looked at lots of photos and then designed our own.
Y4 Monstrance pictures
As part of the ‘Year of the Eucharist’ Y4 have been learning about the importance of the Monstrate. We went to church for part of the hour of adoration and reflected on things we are thankful for. We then designed our own Monstrates. As you can see there are some beautiful…
Year 3 The Blessed Sacrament
Today Year 3 enjoyed visiting Church to see the Blessed Sacrament within the Monstrance. We enjoyed quiet reflection and prayer. We devoted time to Jesus and back in school further developed our understanding of the Eucharist.
Making Rockets
This week Reception have been using junk materials to create their own models of a rocket. They used their knowledge of the different parts of a rocket to choose appropriate materials to represent them. The rockets were a roaring success!
Dinosaur fossils
In Nursery we have been looking at the topic of dinosaurs. The children made their own dinosaur fossils using salt dough. They printed dinosaur bones or footprints. After they had been baked the children could take them home, but they had to be reminded not to eat them!! Maybe some of them will…
Nursery's Star of the Week
This week's Star of the week in Nursery is Henry. He has really enjoyed our dinosaur topic over the last few weeks and has shown his creative skills. He has been using his imagination to retell dinosaur stories using the small world dinosaurs too. Well done!
Year 2 Computing
Year 2 enjoyed creating their own artwork in the style of Mondrian using 2Paint a Picture. What budding artists we have in Year 2!
Dinosaurs in Nursery!
Nursery have been learning about dinosaurs. We have been digging for dinosaur bones, making dinosaur footprints, playing with toy dinosaurs, making dinosaur fossils and also making play dough eggs. We also had an egg appear in Nursery that we watched each day and, when it finally cracked, out came…
Y5 Children in need - PUDSEY VISIT
We all enjoyed our visit from Pudsey bear as we raised money by having a non-uniform day. We designed posters to encourage people to give donations to those who are less fortunate.
Football Club
Years 3 & 4 enjoy Football Club every Tuesday after school. As well keeping fit, they have all improved key skills and grown in confidence.
Y4 Egyptian workshop at Tullie House
We learnt all about mummification, Egyptian Gods, hieroglyphics and life by the Nile on our trip to Tullie House today. We took part in a ‘weighing of the heart ceremony’ to see if our prepared mummy Tutantullie had lead a good enough life to pass into the afterlife. The children were very well…