Nursery’s Easter bonnet parade 2021
Our Nursery children made Easter hats at home and took part in a parade in the classroom and then outside with a standing applause from KS2. The children loved taking part.
Y2 Autism Awareness
Today Year 2 have been learning about Autism Awareness Week and what autism is, including the difficulties that autistic people can encounter in their lives. The children learned how everyone is different and unique in their own special ways. They reflected on this by thinking about all the things…
Year 1 and the Beanstalks
Wow we have some amazing Bean Plants in our class! We have been looking after them carefully for a few weeks now and they have really enjoyed the sunny windowsill in class. Each day we have remembered to water them. Growing our own bean plants has helped us to understand what plants need to grow…
Holy Week activities in Reception
During Lent we have thought about how we can grow more like Jesus, so we have been even kinder to each other and more helpful.
This week we listened to the Story of Palm Sunday and The Last Supper. We cut out palm leaves and tried really hard to improve our cutlery skills! We have…
Moon Landing
We have had so much fun learning about Space and the Moon! It has been one of the most exciting Topics we have learnt about! As we came to an end, the children wanted to know more about Man on the Moon! We watched a video clip of the first Moon Walk and we talked a lot about gravity! We look…
Treat Everyone With Kindness
During this week we have talked and learnt about differences! We remembered our work during Lockdown about how important it is to ‘be ourselves!’ We listened to The Ugly Duckling story and the children said how unkind the other ducklings were to him! We watched the Ollie and Daisy video about…
Y6 reflect during National Autism Awareness Week
To celebrate National Autism Awareness week, Y6 discussed what it’s like to be autistic and were really interested to understand and reflect on some of the challenges autistic people face in their lives. They also learned about the importance of treating everyone with respect and kindness.
Y1 Autism Awareness
Today as part of National Autism Awareness Week 2021 Serena volunteered to tell the class all about Autism. Serena confidently talked to the class and shared her personal experiences. Serena told the class all about the charity that her family has set up to help support and celebrate Autism in…
Year 5 Autism Awareness Week 2021
Year 5 have been learning about autism as part of ‘Autism Awareness Week’. They wrote these lovely acrostic poems to share their understanding of autism.
Year 5 Cricket Engagement Day
Year 5 enjoyed a cricket engagement day with Chad from Chance to Shine Cricket. They learnt the basic throwing and catching skills for cricket then had a great game of Quick Cricket.
The Year of St. Joseph Year 5
Year 5 have written prayers to St. Joseph to help us appreciate all our key workers. We will say each prayer daily during the Year of St. Joseph.
Year 5 Water Resistance
During their work on water resistance Year 5 were set the challenge of making the same piece of blu tac sink and float. They discovered that they had to increase the surface area of the blu tac in order to increase the upthrust of the water then it would float.